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(Image above is just a thing of Imperial and Pearl lmaoo)
Well I'll be damned, it doesn't feel like this story is over. And yet it is. I don't even have words, man, but I do thank whoever's reading this for taking time out of your day to read this bullshit of a story lmaoo

So this is the end of the story I had written out. It's up to you to decide what happens beyond this, but just letting you know, I really hate thinking ocs/characters that aren't canon interact with canon characters. So probably they get blasted in the corruption shit and die. Sorry to break it to you, pal lmao. I have thought, however, of alternate things where they somehow survive. But honestly those are just me cheating the reality I've accepted which is that they die and get corrupted.

Now, you may be confused and ask why there's more or if there's more, and I say yeah! There is! I do have scenes that I thought out that weren't exactly easy to shove in somewhere in the timeline! So I do encourage reading those if you were invested in the story at all and were curious about someone's backstory, some extra dialogue, or hell, even wanna read an au of my own au. At the beginning of each of the stories, I categorize them as such:

Extra: A scene that happens somewhere within the canon timeline. Time placement will be stated at the beginning of the chapter (Ex: Imperial's First Meeting - * - Stars and Lights).

Prologue: Something that builds characters before the actual canon time. This can be backstory or how characters meet, whatever.

AU: I've really only got a few ideas of AUs of the AU, but there are some I've thought out in such detail that I feel compelled to write them. Note that they aren't canon compliant, although I may have made a reference to one in canon >:)c

But this marks the end of the canon experience! I thank you for reading and taking time out of your day to try and figure out wtf is happening

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