Out of the corner of his eye, Pyrite could see Jade was doing something weird with his hand. Like he was trying to get his sword but it wasn't working. He didn't hesitate to loudly whisper at him, clearly concerned.
"What are you doing?!"
"The sword-" Jade tried again to summon it. "I can't use it!"
"I SAID, I can't use it!"
"I know that!-" Pyrite jolted his head back in front of him, taking a step forward. Now he could hear things from both the direction he faced and the direction Pearl faced. And then from Jade's direction.
"Well you better figure that shit out FAST, we got company, dammit!"

Pyrite continually looked around, suddenly hearing the noise stop. But he knew they were still there.
"What do you want?!" He yelled out to them, awaiting a response.
And yet he got none. Only the wind in the empty trees answered.
"We know you're there, assholes. The hell do you want?"
Still no answer. Everyone stood on edge, Jade giving up trying to summon his sword. Pearl held her blade close to her chest, a hand out in front, while Pyrite had his shield ready.
These had to be some homeworld lackeys. Who else would be out here wandering the woods like they didn't know where they were going? ...Well, ok, besides the three of them.

The sound of leaves shuffling in large amounts was followed by the blurry visual of an individual moving. There was no time to spare. Pyrite immediately jumped on dealing with them, and the fight officially started.
About 7 more gems emerged from behind trees and lower parts of the hill, all springing on the three of them. They didn't put up a weak fight, but it seemed they didn't aim to kill. But their intent wasn't known. They couldn't be sure.
Pearl ended up getting her hands full with three gems of her own, holding them off with relative ease. Their weapons were all close-range, which faired well with her small kunai. Pyrite was able to keep 2 at bay, but occasionally he'd bite off more than he could choose and go at 3 or 4 at a time. He ended up slipping back quite often in the mix of leaves and twigs below him, getting shoved back by the brute force of the weapons the opposing gems used.

Jade couldn't do much. He still couldn't summon his sword, and he had no idea why. The best he could do was try to dodge and maybe use his arms to block some attacks, but that hurt way more than it needed to. He tripped over one of the people attacking him by swiping under them, but that didn't do that much in the grand scheme of things.
Why the hell wasn't his sword there?! There's no reason for it to not be accessible! He tried to think back to the last time he had it, and although he hadn't used it in forever, he had it back at the Yellow Diamond fight! So why didn't he have it now? I mean, he had it on him when he died, I'm sure he....

Jade accidentally ran into Pyrite, almost tripping the both of them over.
"Watch it!!-"
"I figured out why I can't use my sword"
"Why's that?-" Pyrite managed to deflect a direct hit from one of the gems he was dealing with.
"I left it in Yellow's room."
"You WHAT"
"I destabilized, dropped it, and it's there!"
"God-" He turned and landed a blow on one of the gems, destabilizing them. "Dammit! Well, that explains it!"
"Trust me, I'm more pissed about it than you are-" He ducked under the swipe from a sword that one of the opposing gems wielded. It ended up accidentally hitting Pyrite, which threw him off guard.

With 2v7 at this point, they were never gonna win. Not with Jade this useless.
Pyrite grumbled to himself in the very short break he had between fighting the gems in front of him, but then outstretched an arm violently to Jade. Jade was confused for a solid moment.
"Come on! We don't got all day."
Jade didn't realize exactly what he was doing, but then it clicked.

While Pearl remained fighting, she did hear the sound she had heard several times before, but not in a long while; the sound of fusion. But she didn't bat an eye at it. She didn't let it distract her. But what made her stop was that the other gems were distracted. They had stopped fighting her, even backing away from her. Everyone went silent, and those who were fighting Pyrite and Jade backed off.

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