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I squeezed the brim of my nose. Who knocks at 7 at night. In fact, who knocks my door - nobody other than Clare and my sister ever visit. That's cause you're a loner. Rolling my eyes, I got up anyways and went to answer it.

'Hi! Did I scare you? Sorry! I thought I'd drop by..' My heart momentarily stopped. Literally. Is..no. Surely not. But he is!! I resulted to blubbing like a fish, moving out of the way so he could come in. Its times like these where I'm glad that I keep my apartment clean, the only thing lying around are three dishes in the sink.

He walked in calmly, as if he'd been here before. You wish. Taking a seat on my sofa, he grinned at me, waggling his fingers, motioning me to come and sit. Well, that was something I'd never expect to happen. 'Skye, I'm so sorry I didn't reply to your text! I kinda dropped my phone on the pavement and well, I no longer have a phone you could say'. I nodded, giving him an understanding look. Fuck, why isn't my mouth working! Speak already Skye. I decided to instead rub the back of my neck, standing up. 'Uhh....w..ww..would y..y.you like a d.d.dr.drink?'. He stood up similing like a five year old. 'Sure! Your anxiety is pretty bad isn't it, I remember before you'd had a drink at the concert'. I nodded my head in agreement, willing my mind to make me speak. I took a gulp of my drink, walking towards the kitchen area. 'Wh..what can I get you?'. He followed me to the island, placing his hands on the counter whilst ducking from the hanging pots above. 'What do you have, I'll drink anything'. That cheesy grin appreared again, as I pulled out a secondary glass and motioned towards the fridge. 'Take a look, pick whatever. There's mixer in that cupboard by your leg too'. He nodded in appreciation, opening the fridge, taking a look inside. He then pulled out a beer, spinning back around swiftly. 'Bottle openers in the drawer to your right'. He smiled, opening the beer and tossing the cap into the bin. Wow, did Brendon really just fucking stride into my house and pull out a beer? Wait, how does he even know where I live? Questions I can ask later.

'I hope you don't mind I came over Skye, I kinda just wanted to see you again, and I also felt sucky not being able to reply to your text so thought I should clear things up'. I smiled at him as he took a place on my sofa. 'It's fine honestly, you can stay as long as you'd like....um..if you can't drive home I've got a spare bedroom too, you'd just not have any clothes to change into..' I get so confident after a drink like fuck. He laughed at my reply, but looked thankful. 'I may take you up on such an offer, although I feel unbelievably rude considering I've just walked into your home, sat on your sofa, grabbed a beer and probably disturbed your entire night'. I shook my head smiling. I mean let's face it, considering my plan was to drown myself in hate drinking until I was numb, this certainly is a million times better. Although of course I wasn't going to let him know that.Why not? You need all the sorrow you can get. Blocking out it for a while, I continued conversing with Brendon. 'No, no its honestly fine, I was just gonna lie on the sofa to be honest, and seriously if you wanna stay, feel welcome to. I think its a once in a lifetime kinda thing for a guy as famous as you to turn up on your doorstep and consider staying the night'. I laughed as I finished my sentence, taking another sip of my drink that was rapidly going flat. 'Hahah, okay then. Hey tell you what, I'll buy us pizza to make up for drinking your beers and staying over. Any preferences?'. I thought about what it for a moment. 'Uh, just anything will be fine, you're so kind really you dont have to pay for this'. He placed down his beer, smiling kindly. 'Honestly its okay, its my treat, so, does one cheese pizza and one Hawaiian sound okay to you?'. I nodded my head again, starting to feel very repetitive. 'Okay, right, do you have a phone I could use like I said mines kinda well, broke'. Our laughter broke the second of silence, as I pointed at my phone on the table. 'Literally everything's paid for me, so don't worry about the bill or anything'. He picked up my phone and begun tapping in numbers. 'You sure cause I'll pay the credit or whatever'. I smiled but shook my head, going back towards the kitchen and filling my glass with the same mix as last time. 'Hey uh can I have one medium cheese pizza, one medium hawaiian pizza and sides of chips and garlic bread please. Oh and two tubs of Ben and Jerry's. Yes that'll be all. To deliver. Its for Skye. 118 Clearview apartments. Thank you'. He sounded so different on the phone, it was like he put on some kind of accent. It sounded amazing though, so unique yet still sorta him. Once I was sure he was done on the phone I made my way back over to the sofa, placing down my drink after taking a small swig. 'Sorry, I kinda had to use your name. You'll have to go to the door...its kinda not a good plan for me to...sorry'. I didn't mind going to the door to be fair. As long as it meant that he wouldn't be spotted, it was okay. 'Oh it came up to $23.58 I'll make sure I give you the money when they knock, they're due in like fifteen minutes'. Taking another sip, I nodded, realising I hadn't even put the tv on. Grabbing the remote, I switched it on and handed the remote to Brendon. 'Guests choice'. He shook his head. 'Oh no seriously its your house I'm already invading your space put what you like to watch on'. After he placed the remote back in my hands, I put the remote on his lap. 'Well choose a movie then, and like I said, you're welcome to here'



Wow two updates in one night ^-^ although it'll be day time when I actually upload it considering its 2am rn

I can't believe how much I've wrote for once XD hope you enjoy my randomness xD

*sorry if there's any spelling or grammar mess ups, like I said, its late XD

**This has been in drafts for like 2 months, Idk it was refusing to upload on my phone and Ive only just gotten a laptop, so yeah I apologise for it not being here to read.**

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