Chapter One

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The first time a 'pet' showed up was shocking to the world. Animals that look so much like humans, but acted a lot like animals. It took a long time for humans to get used to such ideas. Owning something that looked so human, but wasn't.

The years passed and soon it was normal for 'pets' to be owned by humans. Cat, dogs, monkeys, lions, and all other types of animals with human forms but had attributes like animals characteristics.

It was normal now to have all animals with human looking forms to be 'pets' but things were changing and some 'pets' didn't like to be 'pets' They wanted to be free and be like the humans.

Have a family as they see fit, and not worry about the 'owners' that had possession of them.

The animals that didn't want to be owned were part of 'packs' or 'prides' depending on the animal group it had different names, but all had the same idea; freedom from humans.

It was a cold night when a 'pet' met one of the 'pack' or 'pride' members. She didn't know that at first glance though.

This one meeting changed everything for her. House cat would she be no more now that he had his eyes set on her.

That is where the story starts, love that shouldn't have happened, the modern day Romeo and Juliet, but the hopes of a different outcome could happen if things were to play out right.


Kagome sighed as she sat on her bed and looked out the window to look at the stars. Her owners weren't home; they had gone away for a couple days leaving her alone.

How she missed her dear Rin, her owner.

She was so cute, all smiles when she was around. It made Kagome smile and made her happy she was apart of the young humans life.

Her owners' father was different, nice sometimes too depending on his mood. Sesshoumaru was his name, he was the one who bought her for his daughter; Rin.

Kagome was very grateful to the man; he had saved her from being put down. She was the runt of her family and no one had wanted to adopt such a small 'pet'. When Sesshoumaru came and adopted her it had shocked many.

You see 'pets' were all taken to the facility when they reached ten years of age of being raised to know how to act as a proper house pet.

Once there in the facility they were put into cages with the same breed until they were adopted, or in some cases put down because no one wanted them.

Putting down animals started twenty years ago when 'prides' and 'packs' started. Because of the increasing numbers of 'pets' joining them if they weren't adopted; it was to make sure no one would end up going against them.

Taking another deep breath she shook her head, thoughts going dark as she thought about it.

Sesshoumaru adopted her right before the deadline for her, and for that she would forever be loyal to him. No matter what she would be the 'pet' to his family.

Looking up the stars Kagome smiled, as her tail curled around her stomach, "Tonight feels hasn't been this warm for awhile..." It came out soft as she talked to herself.

The winter had just passed and it was starting to get warm again, which Kagome was happy about. She wasn't overly fond of the cold...or wet from the snow. She liked keeping her fur dry, thank you very much!

Standing up Kagome made her way to her bed, not bothering to shut her window, she was going to curl up and take a quick cat nap. She hadn't slept a lot that day, she was too annoyed because her owner was leaving her for a couple of days and she also wanted to spend time with her before she left.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13, 2022 ⏰

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