The Blonde (2)

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It was the dead of night when the faint sound of footsteps stirred me from my slumber.

Curiosity grew, I rose from my bed to investigate the source, finding Camilo sslowly making his way through the shadows. Curious, I trailed him secretly ,wondering what he was up to.

To my surprise, he walked to the roof, looking at the night sky which was decorated with beautiful  twinkling stars. A sense of wonder enveloped me as I joined him in his silent contemplation.

Suddenly, a strange voice echoed in my mind, calling out my name in a weird manner. I scanned the surroundings, but Camilo appeared unknowinh to the voice.

Confusion clouded my thoughts as everything blurred before me. Camilo noticed my distress and approached with concern etched on his face.

"Are you alright?" he inquired, his voice filled with genuine worry. Lost in the hypnosis of the voice, I found myself unable to respond.

As the world around me faded to light, Camilo vanished, replaced by a looming shadow drawing closer with each passing moment.

Abruptly, I awoke to the worried faces of my family gathered around my bedside. Relief washed over them as my eyes fluttered open.

"Oh, thank goodness," murmured my mother, her voice trembling with emotion, while Mirabele enveloped me in a tight embrace.

"What happened?" I questioned, seeking answers amidst the confusion.

"Camilo told us about your strange episode. Your pupils started moving strangely, so we rushed to your side," explained Pepa, her relief noticable.

Curiosity gnawed at me, but before I could get deeper into it, the room cleared, leaving me to rest.

Alone with my thoughts, another voice intruded, urging me to come, or else Camilo would be lost to me. Bewildered, I leaped from my bed, only to witness Camilo with a blonde-haired girl, her smirk unsettling.

Camilo's concerned gaze met mine as he urged me to rest, but anger surged within me at the sight of the conniving girl.

"I need to confront her!" I exclaimed, seething with frustration, but Camilo's calm demeanor attempted to soothe me.

"It's not as bad as you think," he reassured me, his tone gentle yet firm.

Frustration coming, I dismissed his attempts at consolation, going to rest with a slammed door echoing in my room.

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