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((Hey hey! Been a moment, hasn't it? Well that's alright! Here's a request for 0TomuraShigaraki0 ! I'm very excited to write this one! I hope you don't mind if it's. A bit short! Enjoy! ))


The match was over and Ainosuke lost. And he hated that! He never lost! He was never supposed to loose! After everything he put into reach race, he hated loosing. Always had hated it. Maybe because of certain things when he were younger? Or maybe it's just the way he was. Everyone applauded the other skater and Ainosuke? Just stormed off, almost instantly he told Tadashi they were leaving. A silent ride home other than the small mumbles that were made to himself.  On his way into the door, he lost it. He couldn't stay big anymore. He had too many big emotions and he didn't like that either. Poor little one just broke down as soon as the door was shut. "Dashi!!" He cried and soon the black haired male instantly went to comfort him.


"Oh my little prince, did you have some pretty big feelings about that match earlier?" He spoke softly, yes he clearly knew about the others regression and tended to help from time to time. And obviously now was one of the times he was needed. "Uh huh!" "That's alright baby, do you wanna change real quick and maybe cuddle and forget about all those mean feelings?" "Wes pease..." and that was all that was needed to get him upstairs and changed into a star themed onesie with his dark blue paci soon between his lips. Three stuffies were in his arms, a pink dolphin, a green turtle, and a black bear. All which seemed to be his favorites. And soon he was lead to a small room attached to his office, which based on the entrance, most would assume it was storage, but in reality it was his little room. Baby blue walls, soft carpet, a couch, tv, and toys galore.


"Dashi, watch Bambi! Pease? An...an...color?" "Yes sweetheart, we can do that" Almost instantly Bambi was put on and they were soon at a small table with a lot of coloring supplies and all three stuffies just beside them. Shindo would hum a bit when he colored, he was entirely different when regressed and almost seen as sweet and innocent and calm. But needless to say, what they were doing didn't last long because around 15 minutes in, the regressor climbed into Tadashi's lap, who after a few minutes moved them to the couch, and curled up, sucking on his paci calmly, and drifted to sleep.

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