Chapter 1

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It was the first day of school that day. Students were walking stepping down from the bus, others were heading to their classrooms, while others were just there waiting for their friends or bestfriends to arrive.

"Look! That's her car!" boys pointed out the car which entered from the school gates as it stopped on it's parking lot.

Boys started to gather around the car and are waiting for her to step out from the car.

"Thank you Donghyun. I can walk from here to there." she said.

The driver looked at the lady from the other side, "Are you sure, Ms. Min?" he asked.

She gave him a nod as an agreement and waved goodbye.

While she walked pass the boys whose drolling over her, she was greeted by her only two bestfriends, clinging on her arms.

"Good morning milky pie." Yinwha and Sooyoung greeted.

She just smiled at them, not sure if she would greet them or not.

Yinhwa then noticed and slapped her arms slightly while she rubbed it softly, as the pain slowly faded, "That's so unfair Jiyoung! You talked to your driver, Donghyun, then you didn't even talk to us?"

"F-fine, Good morning." Jiyoung greeted without an energy.

Yinhwa and Sooyoung were just staring at her, but they continue to follow her and walk with her, heading to their classroom. Yes, the three of them are in the same class once again.

As they were in the hallways, the place was already crowded. Jiyoung was quite annoyed on how this happens almost every first day of school.

"Ugh, this happens every first days." Jiyoung complained, shaking her head slightly.

"Including those boys who wait for you to step out from your car." Sooyoung said.

Jiyoung then noticed she stepped on something like a slippery but rough at the same time. She looked down and saw a paper sticking out on her heels.

As she picked it up, she bumped at someone in the same time. He was not alone, but he was with his group. She looked up and saw him. She widens her eyes as her heart was starting to thump fast.

"Yah, aren't you going to say sorry?" Yinhwa defended at the person who is just smirking at her, not daring to do something nor apologize.

Jiyoung then looked at Sooyoung as they watched Yinwha defending on him.

"Oh god. Yinwha, please stop." Jiyoung whispered, but by any chance, Yinwha hasn't heard on what she said.

"You want me to apologize to her?" he finally spoke up. Jiyoung felt embarrassed and tense at the same time.

She does not want to make a scene on the hallways since the students were already gathering around them, making it stampede.

"Uh-" before Sooyoung could say something, Jiyoung spoke, "Ah, I'm sorry. I wasn't looking on where I was going. Mianhae."

The girls looked at her, not just them but the students gathering around them were gasping and staring at her as if she done the wrong thing.

"Jiyoung, what do you think you're doing?" Sooyoung whispered-asked.

"Ah, I guess you're guilty. Well I forgive you, Min Jiyoung. Just don't clumsy." he said, laughing as the others joined along, laughing.

Jiyoung felt embarrassed. Her heart was taking out a skin one by one, it was painful to her.

Sooyoung pointed out a finger at him and said, "Shut up you, Byun Baekhyun. You didn't even know how it actually started."

But before continuing the fight, the bell rang making the students rush to their classrooms.

The girls turned their backs at them, heading to their classroom.

"Jiyoung-ssi, are you okay?" Yinhwha asked. Jiyoung gave her a nod as they continue walking, heading to their classrooms.

"How dare that Byun-"

"We belong to the same class with him. He is the only one who's different from the rest of the group." Jiyoung said, smiling a bit.

"You were stalking at him for the whole summer?" Sooyoung asked. Jiyoung's eyes widened while she was slowing down.

"But, why is he heading his way at the other-"

"Lower down your voice, Sooyoung. He might be following behind us." Jiyoung warned, taking a glance behind her and was relief seeing no one at their back. But little did she know, he was hiding behind.

"Wait, I suddenly remembered you actually have a cru-"

"Shut up! Let's go, we're late." Jiyoung said, cutting Sooyoung's sentence as they started running a little faster just to make it time.

As they arrived on their classroom, they fixed a little their selves and entered the classroom without hesitating.

"Ms. Min, Do, Kim and Mr. Byun, why were you late for two minutes?" The teacher said, making the students look at them.

Mr. Byun? Jiyoung thought as her right brows raised while her face showed a 'confused' look. The two girls did and thought the same too.

Jiyoung looks from her back and was surprised to see Baekhyun, standing behind her back as his brunette fringe was a little messy.

"Ah, I was at the comfort room from the first floor." Baekhyun lied, making the three girls in front of him look at him with confusion.

"You may take your seat, Mr. Byun. Now you, Ms. Min, Do and Kim. Why were you late?" the teacher asked while Sooyoung and Yinwha was panicking inside their heads except for Jiyoung who thought of something.

"Sorry for being late, Mrs. Choi. It was too crowded that we can't escape and rush here. We're truly sorry." Jiyoung said, sweetly.

"Okay, but I won't take that as an answer. Your face and clothes are fixed and tidy. But, please take your seats. I will be setting up an seating arrangement among all of you." the teacher said. Sooyoung, Yinwha, and Jiyoung looked at eachother with frowning faces.

Jiyoung passed by him, while stealing a short glance and sat on her seat.

In fact the four of them were late, she was still happy that he was part of them.

Yeah right, this is chapter one, edited version. Hope you liked it. It actually has 1000+ words, yet it's still small.

Make sure you SCROLL down instead PAGING!

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