Past relationships and recent relationship

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My past relationships were rocky because i had an abusive boyfriend in the 7th grade who had threatened to kill me multiple times, during 6th grade i had a girlfriend she was very loving until i had found out she had cheated and i got with her ex and her and i were kind of off and on in our relationship, now during my relation ships i had a poly relationship and it didn't end well because my partner had been abusing me and the others didn't care that i was being abused by them. But now i have a boyfriend we have been together for a couple weeks now and i've been out on dates with him and sometimes when he yells it sets off triggers due to the past abuse with my ex boyfriend and my ex partners , It's been good so far but i don't know what will happen since i usually end up getting hurt in the end of my relationships. I know i've shared a bit of personal information and it has all been dealt with especially the abuse i now have restraining orders against my ex's so  i am safe I alos met this bitch named emma and lucio is my husbando and ushhhh yeah the end lol bye bitches

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12, 2022 ⏰

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