There's just no trust anymore

Start from the beginning

Bucky and Sam stand by making their feelings known about Loki by the looks on their faces. Neither was a fan of the Asgardian, Buck more so than Sam; but he had an invested stake in this that the other man didn't. Swallowing roughly Steve tried to push that away for now and focus on the woman he loved who was very pissed off at him.

Dropping the groceries off in the kitchen he took his bags upstairs to his room before heading down the hall to Veronica's. He could hear her moving around inside as he pleaded with her to open the door, but she refused to answer. The sound of her sure footsteps walking across the room had him hopeful for a second that she was coming over to open the door, but instead he heard the window opening.

Bracing his arms on either side of the door frame he called out to her again hoping that she would let him in. "Come on Ronnie, you can't stay mad at me forever. We need to talk about this like adults." Her reply?

An angrily shouted, "Fuck you, Rogers!"

Okay, he might have deserved that, but at least she was talking to him which was more than she had been. "Veronica, please open the door." No reply.

Listening hard he couldn't hear any movement inside, but he did hear Loki from downstairs laughingly tell Thor, Buck and Sam that he'd just watched as Ronnie jumped from her bedroom window to avoid him.


Pushing off of the wall Steve rushed down the stairs past the bemused faces of his friends and out the front door. The screen door slammed shut behind him. Sure enough Ronnie was angrily stalking away from the house as her suit folded away towards the lake. Storming after her, Steve called out, "Veronica Stark, did you just jump out of the Goddamn window?"

He could see her shoulders hunch when she realized he was coming after her. Deciding to ignore him she kept walking, but at a much faster pace. Rolling his eyes he sped up until he gently grasped her arm to get her to stop. Yanking her arm away she glared up at him, "Don't touch me!"

Furrowing his brows in hurt at her pulling away from him Steve stood there a little angry himself at the moment. "Seriously Ronnie? After everything between us you're going to act like this?"

"Yes I am. Wanna know why? Because I get to as the person who was betrayed by my best friend." She shoved him hard. Since he wasn't prepared she actually moved him back a step. Shoving him again she spoke. Her words were angry, but her voice come out broken. "You kept something from me that I should have known about the moment you found out. I trusted you with everything and you know how hard that is for me! After Obadiah and Tony, you knew how much the truth means to me and you still kept it from me."

"Ronnie I-"

"No, you don't get to talk!" She yelled, cutting him off. "I fell in love with you. I don't know when, but I think I've been in love with you for a long time." Steve's heart soared at her words even if she was angry and shoving him backwards with every sentence. "But I don't want to love you anymore because it's all meaningless now!"

"It's not meaningless to me." He said softly his heart breaking at the look of pain and anguish on her face.

Ronnie took her hands off his chest to scoff up at him. "Really, it's not? So you'd be okay with two years worth of lies being told to you? If the roles were reversed and you were me and had gone through everything I had, could you honestly tell me you'd be fine? That you wouldn't look at me differently?"

He couldn't do anything but look down into her hollow eyes and see that he'd truly broken her heart. That was the last thing he'd ever wanted to do, but he'd done it all the same. "Veronica, I-" Shaking his head he started over. "No, you're right I wouldn't. I would probably feel just like you do right now, but I know you. You understand why I did it, don't you?" She heavily sighed, but nodded her head yes.

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