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. ゚ 。 ₍ 𓆩 ♡ 𓆪 ₎ 。 ゚ .
Officially Launched in 2022. ✿
❀ Directory + Form Submission!

 ✿❀ Directory + Form Submission!

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[ . . . ] what you should know!

 ] what you should know!

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While Arcworth may be the least populated in all of Astracester, it's most definitely the most luxurious. Beautiful skylines, high quality food, apartments not for the cheap. Majority of it's extortionate prices stem from the place being the oldest yet still standing areas within Astracester. Just walking through the streets make it feel as if you're in a time machine, architecture and landscapes reminiscent of the '80s and '90s. To put it simply, Arcworth is definitely for the more flashy, wealthier people. Additionally, it is home to the best Pokémon training facilities in all of Astracester; Arcworth International Trainers. ( Based off New York City, New York ).

 ( Based off New York City, New York )

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ᙏ̤̫ . . .  INTRODUCTION ,
Whereas Bloomsbrough may be more on the countryside and Arcworth seems like an older city, Fawnkie is almost in the future. With all the latest gadgets and discoveries stemming from the researchers here, Fawnkie is constantly developing as they advance further. Walking through the streets is like being in the year 3000, with their modern, unique buildings and not a single crack in the side walk. It homes the cleanest and sleekest architecture, new innovations constantly exporting out of the sector. ( Based off Tokyo, Japan && Singapore ).

[ . . . ] a how-to on applying!

 ] a how-to on applying!

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[ . . . ] delete notes ++
read them all!

[ . . . ] slot | fc | name

[ . . . ] ask them here please!

[ . . . ] may 23rd , 2022

 ] may 23rd , 2022

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ᙏ̤̫ . . . SLOT STATUSES ,
black & white , 00:00 .
sword & shield , closed .
sun & moon , 00:00 .
x & y , 00:00 .
red & blue , 00:00 .
ruby & sapphire , 00:00 .
diamond & pearl , 00:00 .
fire & leaf , 00:00 .

ᙏ̤̫ . . . TAKEN LIST ,
jang yeeun , clc .
lee donghyuck , nct .

lee donghyuck , nct

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ָ࣪ ٪ 𓍱۰. ݁ HAE ' S NOTE 𖥦 heyyy so lilycove is officially open !!  rules are in the notes in the form just because i was too lazy to write them in the chapter . . .  but pls pleeeasse follow all of them accordingly !!  also yes ,  the love interests will be either from fawnkie or arcworth  ( you're free to choose which )  so i expect lots of enemies to lovers hehe but of course ,  don't limit yourself to that !  there is a deadline as if i wait long ,  i'll probably lose motivation but it will definitely change in the future so it is flexible !!  good luck to everyone < 3

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⏰ Última atualização: Feb 27, 2022 ⏰

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LILYCOVE ,  multi applyficOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora