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         You wake up to something cold on your forehead and people surrounding you. When you finally get your eyes to adjust your laying in a coffin. You immediately panic trying to jump out of the coffin, but strong pressure forces you back. Turns out it was Nyen, he's staring at you pitifully now with a hint of disgust. This man and he's faces. "I am so, so sorry" you say, your face bright red with embarrassment. "No I should apologize, I really should have told you about Randal before you came here, he can be a bit much". "How long was I out?" You question. "Only about thirty minutes" whispers Nyon. "GEEZ what time is it?" You say in a worried voice while getting out of your coffin, this time they let you. "It's already incredibly late, why don't you just rest till morning" Luther suggests. You stand there thinking. Well it's already very late and you don't know if you could survive the ride home. But this house gives you the creeps as if it's not meant to exist. After a couple minutes of thinking you decide to stay. It can't be so bad can it?

Oh boy you were so wrong, it can be bad. You had to sleep in the so called "Randals" room (A.k.a the rude kid who made you drop the nail polish) so that way he's dolls can keep an eye on you. This place just gets weirder and weirder. As you are just about to fall asleep the door opens and surprise surprise it's Randal. Your still upset at him but you shrug it off seeing as it's really not that big of a deal. He waved at you in an energetic way even though he looks like he's about to pass out from sleepiness. "Hiiiiii (name) sorry about earlier I just get so excited to meet new people" he says through slurred words. "It's understandable, I feel the same way meeting new people sometimes too". You don't normally grip people's shoulders as hard as you can, but hey everyone is different. After saying goodnight to all his dolls he stumbles into his coffin and falls fast asleep. you assume this from the overly loud snores you hear. You eventually fall asleep to the sound of scattering noises and snoring. It's not the best sleep you've had but it's a weird one.
         When you open your eyes your in a school yard with no one in it. Your in a uniform too but it looks old and fits you but in some parts but small in the other. You notice this in the sleeves, one is long and baggy while the other is a big shorter and tight. When you walk in the school it's empty there as well. You roam the halls, your fingers slowly guiding over the bruised lockers. Everything seems to be going normal until you reach and especially beat down locker. It's cover with stickers and there blood oozing out from all ends. "What the?" you slowly bend over dragging one of you fingers over the stringy blood. Next thing you know there's a loud banging coming from inside the locker. You grab the locker door and pull as hard as you can trying to free whatever is inside of it. Out of no where the locker swings open and Randal is standing inside it.

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