The ex

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I have been thinking about Trey ever since I met him. He is such a good guy. I was thinking about calling him so we can hang out again but I wasn't sure. I was snapped out of my thoughts when I heard a knock on the door. I got up and walked to the door. When I opened it standing there was the one person I didn't want to see most. My ex. Mason Chambers.

"What the fuck do you want?" I ask him
"Ok moody Margaret" he replies. "I came cuz I wanted to give you this", he said handing me the necklace my dad gave to me before he died. He was the only reason I was still around. He was the reason I kept going. Then I lost him.

"I know it means alot to you cuz of who gave it to you so you deserve it".
I look at him with raised eyebrows and an open mouth. This mother fucker.

"So if my dad wasn't the one who gave it to me I wouldn't have deserved it? You would've kept it?" I burst at him

"No that's no- "

"Just fuck off and never come back to my house ever again. Dont contact me in any way you bastard!" I cut him off and slam the door in his face. I can not believe what he just said to me. He knows what I went through when my dad died. And then 3 weeks later he cheats on me with this bitch, Megan. 3 weeks after my dad died. 5 days after the funeral. He said he had been with this bitch for a month. WE HAD BEEN DATING FOR 8 MONTHS. I actually hate his guts. The person I would talk to about boy problems is my dad. I look down at my necklace and cry. I put it on and try to call Kayleigh. When I say try I couldn't see properly from the water in my eyes so I couldn't see my contacts properly. I press what I thought was kayleigh's contact and hear it ring and then TREY picks up! I look at my phone and realise I didn't click on Kayleigh.

"Omg trey I didn't mean to call you" I say sniffling

"Don't worry about it, wait are you crying?"
He asks worried

"Yeah but don't worry about it- "

"No, I am coming over right now and you are gonna talk to me about this!" He eclaims cutting me off.

"O-ok" I say kind of scared

And I hang up and wait for him.

Cliff hanger

Trey Makai x readerWhere stories live. Discover now