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YOU LIVED YOUR WHOLE life as a normal girl

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YOU LIVED YOUR WHOLE life as a normal girl. you were like any other girl in japan. you had normal parents, normal friends and liked normal things.

but you have a secret. a secret that no one other than your parents knew about.. a secret that no one could know about.

the secret is that you have a curse.

a curse that would've never happened if you were born the opposite sex. a curse that only happened because you were born a female.

you were the first girl to be born into your father's side of the family after two-hundred years.

it's kind of bizarre to think about but it's the truth. there's been no girls born into the [l/n] family for two-hundred years; the only females that had the [l/n] last name were all married into the family.

but what does this have to do with you having a curse?

there's been a story that has been passed down from generations in the [l/n] family. a story that supposedly explained why there had been no females born and why you had a curse.

though you've only been told the story once, you were too young for you to remember the details but the basic gist was that a long long time ago your great great great great great great—you get the point—grandmother had an encounter with a vampire and somehow got the bloodline cursed.

something about the next girl that was born into the [l/n] family will be cursed to never fall in love, and if she does fall in love, she'll die.

at first when your parents sat you down and explained everything, you didn't believe them. you thought your father was just being overprotective and didn't want you to hang around boys but after a bit of thinking, everything started to make sense to you.

your family never mentioned your father's side of the family, they would get defensive if you ever questioned it, your parents were never fond of supernatural series and you basically weren't allowed to read manga relating to the supernatural.

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