Bad Habits

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"Hey, Sara!"

She looked over her shoulder to see Felice's smiling face. "Hey."

"How was your break?" Felice asked as she grabbed her brush off the wall.

"Alright. How was yours?"

"Well, you know. Seeing all the extended family that judges every decision you make."

"Mine always want to make it very clear that they are not judging me. Don't you worry, Sara, even though you're different, you are perfect to us!"

Felice chuckled. "I can see how that would get old."

"You must have done something fun?" Sara asked as she fastened her helmet strap under her chin.

"Not really. After everything that happened with Wilhelm and with August, I felt like I needed to lay low for a while. I'm just lucky I have that option." 

Sara felt a stab of guilt at the mention of August. 

"How's Simon?" Felice asked.

"Better. He spent some time with his old friends, seems to be getting back to himself."

"That's good. After that shit August pulled, I don't know if I'd ever recover."

Sara really wished she would stop saying his name. "You ready to ride?" 


As they got into their rhythm, Sara thought that this was perfect; to do something they both enjoyed, no words needed. Of course, she might not mind talking so much if she didn't have this secret looming over her, but she put that at the back of her mind. 

But the perfect silence had to come to end, and when it did, Felice was right back to interrogating Sara. Except that she wasn't interrogating her, it only felt that way because she was guilty. 

But what did she feel so guilty for? Felice and August broke up. It's not like they were cheating. 

Except that August had cheated on Felice, with Sara. Against her will at the time, but now here she was. He'd been awful to Felice, the person who was nice to Sara when nobody else was.

You can't help who you fall for though, right? Maybe if she just told her, Felice would understand. After all, she liked him once, didn't she?

Jesus, Sara, listen to yourself, she thought. Doing backflips in her mind trying to justify it, but it was wrong, plain and simple. 

And yet... she wasn't going to stop. She didn't want to stop. 

"Are you free tonight?" Felice asked as they walked back to the building. 


"Are you free tonight?" Felice repeated. "Maybe we could hang out."

"Oh. Not tonight. I have a big test tomorrow, I have to study. Gotta keep my grades up if I wanna keep my grant."

"Okay, what about this weekend?"

"I think my mom wants me to come home for the weekend."

"I could come to your house, it'll be fun!"

"Maybe. I'll ask. See you later."

Sara hurried up the stairs, leaving Felice alone at the bottom. 


Wilhelm sat on his bed, scrolling through Instagram, trying desperately to be interested in something there, but he just wasn't. He'd already refreshed the home page three times, nothing new. 

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