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She woke up that morning dazed and confused. She remembered flashbacks of her brother escorting her best friend to exile. She remembered chasing after them and pleading with her brother to let Tommy go. She desperately tried to explain he meant no harm and everything had been blown out of proportion.

She was there with Ranboo and Tommy the day George's house burnt. She remembered being unable to stop the flames she started. She rubbed her temples and looked out her window beside her bed it was not yet dawn. It had been a month since the exile and her brother had put her on house arrest, but that ended today.

She got out of bed made her way to the bathroom where she washed up for the day. She looked in the mirror and started to brush her tangled blond hair putting it into a high ponytail. She then put a colored contact in her left eye to turn her eye green instead of reddish-black. She put on her glasses which were mainly a style choice as she could wear the other contact and walked back to her bedroom. She dressed in a light gray long-sleeved dress that reached right above her ankles. She put on socks a leather boots the put on her iron chest armor. She picked up her helmet and set it on the bed. Normally she would wear something more practical but she had plans today. She sat on her bed and waited for the dawn.

Vanessa point of view

A few minutes after dawn her brother knocked on her door and opened it. "Van," he said lowly and soft. He didn't have his mask on as of yet which was a change of pace. "Come on I think you have had time to calm down and see things." He Gesture to the door and I ran from my room for the first time in a month. I made it to our front door grabbed my jacket and leather brown backpack and put the door before my brother, Dream, could stop me or change his mind. If Dream thought a month of no contact and isolation was enough to calm me he was wrong.

I walked towards Lamagburg taking in the fresh air. The windows to our house in the Dream SMP due to the worry about mobs. I took a long breath as memories of a past life flooded my brain. Bright lights and buildings that reached into the sky, paved roads, and things that moved across the pavement. Just as quickly as the memory surfaced it faded and I was on the ground clutching my head trying to slow my breath.
"Hey, you're blocking the path," a man with a low monotone voice said. I looked up wide to see the tall pink-haired man. He started to reach for my shoulder "hey are you okay." This trigger another memory of a girl a few years younger than me with bright blue eyes and silk black hair and a younger me. She was reaching down to punch me and pulling my hair. I pushed the pink-haired man's arm away from me and slowly got up.

"I'm fine Technoblade" I spoke trying to level my voice. " just a little worked up being outside for the first time in a month. Now if you don't mind I need to go." With that, I rushed off before he could see the color in my face. I continue for a moment before looking over my shoulder to see Technoblade adjust his hog mask as you would with glass to see better. He was watching me. What a strange man I thought and quickened my pace. Trying to escape his watch.

I made it to lamanburg about ten minutes later heading to Ghostburs sewer which was just a hole in the ground that was rather wet and dark beside the candles. I took a breath and knocked on the door. I waited a few moments before I heard an echoey British man's voice say "come in." I entered the room where ghostbur lived. It was colder and felt suffocating in the room but brighter than the outside.

"Hello ghostbur. How have you been? Do you have the item I was looking for done?" Ghostbur aka the ghost of Wilbur was the old leader and founder of Lamangbur before he went a little crazy and died blowing up Lamanburg. He smiled and nodded "I have been well busy with conduction here in Lamanburg but good." He walked over to a shelf and pull out a small box. He walked back over and handed me the box which I put in my backpack and handed him over a few diamonds for his troubles. I was about to thank him and leave when he handed me a second small box and ask "can you deliver this to Tubbo?"

I looked at Ghostbur in amazement and shock. If I had to see Tubbo right now I was going to punch him. He was one of Tommy's best friends but had betrayed him. "Ghostbur you know how I feel about him right now." He looked at me sadly and gave me a soft smile.

Ghostbur graced my hand that held the box" I know you're mad but you both need to talk. Tubbo did what he thought was best you both love Tommy and Tommy wouldn't want you mad at each other."

I signed Ghostbur had a point. " fine I will go talk to that child and give him" I looked at the box. " Is this the same thing I asked for?!" Ghostbur nodded and then smiled brightly. "You, my friend, are ridiculous I'm doing this for Tommy and you not Tubbo!" I said as I exited the man's sewer.

It was about an hour from midday and Lamanburg was bustling with people traveling from shops to homes to businesses. Some people were talking on the side of the paths while others were building homes and businesses. I was heading up to the Lamanburg town hall to find Tubbo. Before I could reach the town hall I bumped into a man Philza he was wearing an apron with bright red, blue, and yellow paints. He smiled at me brightly and then rushed off. For someone who had to kill their son a few weeks ago, he was in a pleasant mood. I surged It off and continued walking trying to finish the favor I promise so I could get to my friend.

I finally got to town hall right before noon and walked up to Tubbo's office. I waited a few minutes before just walking in he must have been out. I walked over to the desk planning to put the box down leave a note and leave. I looked down on the desk hoping to find a blank book and quill to leave my note. I moved a few papers around before I saw a wanted poster. I picked it up and almost dropped everything I was holding as another memory surfaced.

It was dark and cold the cities with their tall buildings were burning. A man pulled me to him and then light. Just as was finishing the memory the door opened and Tubbo came in. He looked at me then looked at what I was holding.

"What are you doing in here Van? You're not supposed to bet here." Tubbo voice was stern. He didn't like me because I was Dream's sister and because I didn't keep Tommy out of trouble as I promised. He knew Tommy would never be safe with me because I was Dream's sister.

I  looked around frantically looking for an escape, there was none and I knew it. " I came to give you this on request of Ghostbur," I said as I tried to hand him the box.

"Then why were you at my desk."

"I was looking for a book and quill to leave you a note with the box. The better question is why are you going after Technoblade? Do you think Tommy would have wanted this!"

Tubbo glared at me before snatching the box from my hands. "It's what the people of Lamanburg want and Tommy isn't here."

"Because you exiled him you let him down!" I screamed tears were starting to form because I had let Tommy down.

"Get out Vanessa. You are the reason I had to exile him to protect him from you! You caused all of this I know you caused the fire! But he was protecting you when it was to be the other way around! Get out of Lamanburg! You're not welcome back here." Tubbo shouted at me he was right. Dream would have still found another way to punish Tommy and I would have been locked away till he could get rid of his "problem".

I ran out the door unable to stop the tears and bumped into Philza again and ushered me away from Lamanburg. We walked in silence to the docks. It seemed that the old mand already knew what my plan was. He spoke his voice calm and gentle "Tommy will be okay he is strong. I know
I can stop you from visiting him, just be careful your brother is watching that area closely."

"Phil they are after Technoblade. They exiled Tommy and now they are after Technoblade give him that warning he will listen to you. I have to go to Tommy." Tear were flowing from my eyes. Philza looked at me shocked but understanding he nodded and helped me into the small boat.

"Take care, Vanessa."

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