Prologue - Target

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Before knocking on the study door, I hesitate. I curse myself out in my head because I do this every single time. I like to tell myself that it's because I don't like the boss. I don't like how his eyes linger over my body and how he's always looking for an excuse to touch me. But I know the truth. I don't like being called into the boss's study and it's not because he's creepy. It's because it means someone is going to die.

I give my body a little shake to push that thought out of my mind. Then I take in a deep breath and let my hand hit the door.

"Come in," he says.

I swing open the double doors and walk into the all to familiar study. I head straight over to the desk positioned opposite the door and sit down across from the boss. I could have waited for him to ask me to sit as everyone else does, but I've met with him enough for him to know that the words 'polite' and 'patient', don't really fit my description.

"Ah (y/n), always a pleasure to see you," when he says this he starts doing that thing with his eyes, looking me up and down as if I am his next meal. I would love to teach him a lesson about objectifying women, but he is a customer and a well-paying one at that, so I let it slide.

"What do you want Mr. Hwang?" It's a pointless question really. I mean how many reasons can there be to bring an assassin into your home? Of course, he'll get what I mean. I'm not asking what he wants, but who he wants it done too.

"You know (y/n), I've always admired your efficiency in getting things done, but must you always be so serious? Why don't we relax a little bit first and have a few drinks, then we'll talk business."

I see that Mr. Hwang already has two-shot glasses full of whiskey and probably has the whole bottle lying around here somewhere. Yeah, there is no way in hell I am drinking that, I mean who knows what he might have slipped in my glass before I got here.

"Sorry but I don't drink." That's a lie. A huge, huge lie, so I'm not surprised that he doesn't seem to be buying it. But after a few moments of hesitation, his obviously fake smile is back on his face.

"A shame really. Well if we aren't going to be drinking then we might as well get down to business." Mr. Hwang leans over and opens up one of his desk drawers, pulls out a file and then slides it across the table to me.

"Inside that, you'll find everything you need to know about the target. Everything from his blood type to his daily schedule will be packed somewhere inside the file."

"How much do you plan on paying me for this?" I ask.

"If you can deliver his body to my doorstep, then I'll have 30 billion won waiting for you when you return." His smile grows wider and I almost choke on my own spit.

Does he really plan on paying me 30 billion won for a single job?

"What's the catch, Mr. Hwang?"

"What makes you think theirs a catch to all this (y/n)? Isn't it possible that I'm just rewarding you for all the incredible results you've brought me in the past?" He says, almost as if he's taken a back by my words. Of course he's not really, its all just a part of his facade.

"No, that's not possible not at all." I retort "If something feels too good to be true, then it is too good to be true. So tell me, Mr. Hwang, what's the catch?"

His face darkens a bit and he looks more serious than he has the entire time I've been here.

"The man in that file, he's an idol."

30 billion won just to kill some idol dude? Normally hits put on a celebrity do pay a hefty amount. I mean with all the extra new coverage and investigating the goes on, it makes sense that the price would rise. But 30 billion won? Just who is this guy anyways?

"What's the catch, Mr. Hwang," I ask again. Now he looks a bit angry but he suppresses it as best he can and still tries to force out that smile of his.

"I already told you the catch (y/n)."

"No, you didn't. A least not all of it. You wouldn't pay me this much to kill some harmless singer."

"Oh, I can assure you (y/n) this man is not harmless. If he was why would I have any reason to want him dead at all."

"If he's not harmless, then what is he? I need to know who I'm up against here."

"Oh, you need not worry your pretty little head about that. The man you'll be killing is the leader of an illegal gambling ring." he says, "I lost over 100 billion won to him last week, so I'm just looking for a little payback. He may be a prick but I can't imagine him beating the likes of you."

A gambler hun? Now the price tag is starting to make a bit more sense. Mr. Hwang won't be able to get his money back, not without exposing himself for taking part in whatever illegal gambling ring that this guy is running.

Now that im finally satisified with the amount of information i've been given, I make my descison.

"Alright Mr. Hwang, I'll accept your offer." I hold out my hand and we both shake on it, making our arrangement official. I can feel Mr. Hwang's finger caressing my palms as we shake and I pull my hand back as quickly as possible.

Once my hand is free from his grasp I open up the file sitting on the table and read the first line.

'Target: Choi Yeonjun'

A/N: Hi everyone I hope you enjoyed the prologue. Sorry that this is technically coming out after chapter one, I wrote chapter one before the prologue and decided to publish it as soon as possible because I didn't want to risk wattpad deleting my work.

Question for the readers: Are there any groups you want to see make an appearance later on in the book? I've already thought about adding in members of BTS and ENHYPEN, but if you have other requests let me know.

Word Count: 1097
Status: unedited

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