Chapter 2

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I walk out of the bedroom Zoey and I share, and start making our breakfast. Sadly today college is starting back up after a nice winter break. I love learning and getting my degree so I can get a good paying job, but I hate being away from Zoey for so long. Although Zoey goes to preschool the same time I have my classes, so it works out. I still don't like the idea of being at college while she's not with me.

I'm halfway through making our breakfast, when Zoey wakes up and comes out of our room. 'Good morning mommy!' She signs.

"Morning baby."

Zoey stands next to me and watches as I make our food. She lightly taps me on my elbow, which is her way of getting my attention whenever she wants to talk to me and I don't have my hearing aids in.

'Do you want any help?'

"If you want to help."

Zoey grins. 'I always want to help you mommy.'

I smile and pick Zoey up and rest her on my hip while she stirs the oatmeal.

After we've eaten, Zoey and I get ready for the day. I put in my hearing aids, even though I don't like them, and Zoey and I head off to the bus stop.

Zoey sits on my lap as we ride the few minutes to her school, and Zoey waves bye to me as she goes into her classroom.

'I love you mommy!' She signs, even though she knows I can hear.

I sign that I love her, and go back to the bus stop we got off on, and wait only a few minutes till the next bus.

I hop on the bus when it comes, and ride the few minutes to the college campus only a five minute walk from my apartment.

My phone buzzes, and I read the text from Noah as I walk to my first class of the day.

Hey Keels, I'm coming over today. And you can't say no. -Noah

I roll my eyes. Noah always comes over to my apartment. I'm surprised he doesn't just move in. It's like he lives there by how much he's there, but not that I mind. Noah and I are the bestest friends ever.

Of course you're coming over. -Keely

I look back up from my phone just in time to see someone run right into me, with so much force I fly backwards and fall onto my back, my hearing aids falling out in the process. Gosh, I hop they aren't broken.

The guy I ran into tries to helps me up but I get up without his help, and he starts talking rapidly but I don't even try to understand what he's saying. I just need to find my hearing aids.

I look back to the guy, to tell him I'm sorry for running into him, when I notice I actually know him.


Riley and I were best friends from 1st to 10th grade. And then things happened and we stopped being friends. Riley and I became friends because he'd stand up to the bullies 6yr. old me had. The school we went to didn't have any tomboys only girly girls. I guess everyone thought it was weird that a girl would wear guy clothes and rough house with the boys durning recess. Oh, and until middle school I was literally the only person with red hair. All the kids thought I was like possessed or something. But not Riley. He liked me for who I was. And I sorta had this major crush on Riley, but then Kai, my ex boyfriend became my boyfriend.

I had no idea he went to this college. Which is understandable because we haven't actually talked since he left me back in high school.

I am not very good at lip reading, but I know my name when I see it. So I'm not the only one surprised to see the other person.

Riley starts talking, and I huff lightly. "Riley I'm deaf and cannot understand what you're saying. When I fell my hearing aids also fell out. I need to find them."

Riley confusion takes over his face, and I ignore it as I search the ground for my hearing aids. I find one. But only one. With only one, I can hear slightly, but not as good as when I have two. I put my one in, and turn back to Riley looking at me weirdly.

"Sorry for running into you Riley. But you don't have to stand there in shock like you are. I'm deaf, huge surprise."

I go back to looking for my other hearing aid, and I spot it, just in time for someone to accidentally step on it, breaking it into pieces.

Well, there goes that hearing aid. Ugh I do not want to buy another one. They are quite expensive.

I guess Riley also saw the hearing aid get crushed, because he turns pale.

He starts talking, then stops. He seem so confused as to what to do, so I help him out in such a nice manner.

"I can hear somewhat with only one hearing aid. Nice meeting you but I'm sure we have classes to get to."

Riley nods. "Yeah. I'm really sorry for running into you and accidentally knocking out your hearing aids and then that one getting crushed. I'll buy you a new one. I swear I will."

I shake my head. "It's fine. Let's just move on with our lives."

I start walking away, because I don't want to be late for my class, but Riley follows me.

"No, I feel really bad. I'll buy you a new one. Give me your number and you can text me how much they cost."

"It's fine Riley."

"Really Keels? You're still as annoying as you were when we were younger. Just give me your number and I will buy you a new one."

I groan. "No, Riley. It's. Fine. And I'll have you know it's actually you that's the annoying one."

"Keely, give me your number or I'll ask your parents for it."

I stop walking and glare at Riley. "You wouldn't."

"Oh, I would. They love me. They shipped us so hard."

"Yeah, then you ditched me for your 'popular friends'."

Riley glares at me. "Says the girl who would constantly flaked on me to hang out with that douche of a boyfriend. How are you guys anyway? Still a happy couple?"

My throat goes dry. Sure, I've moved on and everything. But I think part of that was my family never brought him up, they all knew not to. Riley doesn't know. I don't even think he knows that I have a daughter. And I intend to keep it that way.

I clear my throat and break eye contact with him. "We broke up. Back in high school."

"Oh, I'm sorry—"

"Gosh Riley. You just don't know when to stop do you? We stopped being friends in high school, so stop trying to be my friend now. It's over, and that's that. Bye."

I walk off, leaving Riley standing there watching me walk away.

I was not nice to Riley, and I do feel a little bad. But I'm still a little mad at him for ditching me years ago. It hurt. He betrayed me and became friends with my bullies. And never even told me why.

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