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- For better experience play the song while reading the story -

🎶Could've been one lonely night just like the others. But you lit up my life... This is what it's like to be lovers🎶

As I walk my way towards the ward I can hear the song playing at the speaker that creates calming atmosphere here in the hospital. While the patients listens at the song I can't help but feel a bit disgusted by it.

It reminds me of one memory that I hold dearly in my heart. But it seems like my desire for that memory has been buried down along with him.

"How are you feeling? Does your stomach hurts when you sit?" I ask my patient but before she could answer a girl interrupted her.

"Doc, Can I go home now? I don't wanna stay here anymore" I looked at her and cross my arms.

"Impatient," I chuckled "How many times did I told you that you still haven't recovered yet and during this time why don't you reflect and get strong first so you can go home"

The girl got down and walked towards her own room. I don't blame her it does feels boring here at the hospital. All you can see are sick patients and white.

"Doc. Rodriguez, someone is looking for you. He said that he was a friend so I let him in at your office" a nurse came up to me to inform me about the guest in my hospital.

"Thanks, please take it from here and give these list of patients the medicine that I recommend written beside their information" and then I excuse myself to walk into my office.

It somewhat makes me feel nervous to see who the nurse was talking about she mentioned that he was very handsome and tall. Which intrigues me to finding out who he was.

I looked at the time in my wrist watch only to know that it was already close to midnight. Therefore who could be waiting for me in the office when I'm not even expecting someone.

When I arrived at the front door of my office I looked around getting more nervous as there were only me in the hallway. I held the handle of the door and slowly opened it.

The creaking sound of it made me even more nervous. This reminds me of when I was watching a horror movie only to freak out since I was alone.

"Aren't you too tired to be awake 24 hours a day in a week?" a deep voice echo throughout my office.

It was familiar. I looked at the man to find out that he was the one who I tried so hard to forget.

"What are you doing here?!" I shockingly said as I froze into my position.

It was startling to see him here. After all those years he have the guts to face me. Now that I'm finally getting comfortable with myself. Why of all times did he came here?

"I have a shameless favor to ask you" he said as if he wasn't affected by me.

"Is all those years of being left behind made you insane? What makes you think that I'm going to help you!" I said and walked towards him as he stood up from the sofa he was sitting on.

After all the pain he made me go through, he still have the guts to face me. I might be the one going insane but why does it hurts that he isn't affect by me anymore? That he can now be successful without me in his life. I admit he does look so good. His mascular features, his eyes that were dark which makes you wonder what he sees in me, his pointy nose, his puffy lips, his hairstyle that changed from what he usual uses the last time we meet, and his height that keeps on growing. I admit it makes me fall for him the longer I look at him. But I can't be affect by him. I shouldn't feel this way.

The past is gone and I can't go back in it. That would only make my life in roller coaster ride.

"I need you!" he shouted "My mom is sick and you're the only doctor that I can trust"

"I..." I didn't know what to say.

I knew that he would do anything for his mom as to go talk to me just to make her better. I also knew that he doesn't trust doctors. But what did I do? I made it seem like he have bad intentions towards me. That if I don't help him it would feel as if it was my fault.

I didn't know what to do. If I accept his favor I knew this would be all over. But what's making me doubt it is myself. I'm afraid that if I get too close to him it might make me surrender my heart again.

I'm sorry. I know I'm being selfish but for once I want to guard and protect myself.

"I know that look" he whispered but loud enough for us to hear it "I'm sorry if I was being selfish. I only came here for the sake of my own needs and I didn't even consider your feelings. I won't be long I'll just go away and figure out my own problem, goodbye" he said looking sad and slowly walked towards the door

I looked at his back attempting to stop him but my mouth just won't listen to me. Every step that he takes it just makes me want to tear up and run to him. I know it was wrong to reject a patient. Every doctor knows that.

"I'm sorry Boby, soon I'll get there" as soon as I whisper to myself I went towards the door to ran after him.

I couldn't take it anymore. This is bad. I know I wouldn't recover from it after this. I will regret this but for once I want to take the risk.

Once I saw his back I quickly ran and hug him from behind.

"I'm sorry, I'll accept it. I will help and treat your mom"

With that I was shallowed up again by his tide crashing through my zone.

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