Nova busted out into laughter. "You really think I'm going to believe that? Try harder, brat." He aimed a rifle at Neptune, looking over to a display on his limb attachment. "Don't waste my time, and die already." 

As Nova finished his sentence, a woman came from the shadows. Someone with vivid red and blonde hair, and bright orange eyes. She kicked the rifle to the ground, holding it under her boot. "Stop right there." Cosma finally spoke, in her usual vague tone. "They're not the ones who did it. You were misinformed." 

Nova turned to Cosma, with an annoyed look on his face. "Mind your own business, idiot! You left the royal family anyway, so why are you butting in?"

Cosma sighed in disappointment. "You're really stubborn, aren't you? You won't even hear the full story." 

Merid was already angered enough by all of this, unconsciously dashing towards Nova. "How about you leave us alone!" They swung their scythe, still yet not realizing their actions. 

Cosma took the hit, it slashing through her stomach. She fell face first on the ground, letting the blood spill out of her body.

Yet, Merid was blinded by rage, still charging at Nova. 

Cosma, with her remaining strength, attempted to grab Merid's leg. But failed. Merid was still charging towards Nova. Cosma took her last, shaky breath, before her eyes shut, and her body went limp. 

Merid let out a scream, as they slashed towards Nova, it immediately being blocked by his arm attachments. 

Neptune on the other hand was in shock, she had never seen Merid like this, and it scared her. She looked at Cosma's body, and back to Nova and Merid both fighting.

Merid kept shouting in blind anger, swinging rapidly at Nova, getting hurt by bullets and blades in the process. But, the pain didn't stop them. "DIE ALREADY!" They kept attacking, overwhelming Nova. 

They were losing blood with every swing, at this rate, they may just pass out. 

Nova closed his eyes for one moment, leaving himself vulnerable. 

Covered in their own blood, Merid swung. 

Fatal damage was dealt, leaving Nova unable to move, as he fell to the ground.

Merid kept slicing open Nova's body, eventually stopping to pass out. They were covered in both their own blood, and Nova's. And their scythe quickly faded away.

Neptune panicked, and sprinted over. "Merid! Merid! W-Wake up!" She shook Merid's body, to see they were still breathing. She let out a sigh of relief, and bent over to pick up their unconscious body. "Let's..let's find Andromeda…" 

Neptune wandered around, not even noticing that a woman was watching them.

She had long, white hair, with hazel eyes. The woman was named Curie. "Well well well.." She smiled. "Things aren't going to turn out well for Merid, are they? Hmph."


"Meridian..Merid.." A voice echoed, talking to Merid.

"Meridian? Who's that..? Why are you calling me by that name?" Merid asked.

"You..You..You are the direction for this planet.. Please, lead it to victory.." The voice slowly faded, as Merid was about to wake up.

"Wait-!" Merid cried out. "Why did you call me Meridian?-" 

"It is very simple, you are a compass."



(discontinued due to theft) The End Of AlamandraWhere stories live. Discover now