chapter 2

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Rok soo's pov-

As rok soo walks away he felt pity at cale he knows how painful cale have endure just by looking at him, he also has experience it in his whole 200 years of living

Protecting your family is very kind of you but sacrificing everything for them is terrible and even giving up your whole life just for them is too much!

Everything has a solution if you keep looking for answers but who could blame them it is there life right? Even so I pity them...

As rok soo stops thinking he was infront of a rock he then touch the rock and as the rock fades rok soo goes in and the rok turns back to normal

It was a cave hidden infront of a rock , inside a dark that you cant even see your own shadow, rok soo was at the end of the cave it looks like a dead end

He looked at it and walked in, there was a barrier that only dragons can go in, inside was a big forest with a large castle

Rok soo walks out of the cave and slowly walks to the castle


Cales pov-

Its about midnight when cale got home

Cale goes to the front door and he sees all the servants he acted like hes mad and drunk he throws a near vase into the ground

All the servants was afraid and avoided him he then goes to hes room acted all mad and drunk

Cale then close the door *BAM* every henituse servants was happy that no one got hurt that night

After cale close the door he locks the door and looked down he felt guilty of what he did but he has too for the future of the henituse

Cale took a bath and goes to bed

Cale couldn't sleep so he just sat on hes chair infront the window that captures a perfect view of the moon, ' this is lovely..'
Cale thought

Cale looks at the moon as he slowly fall asleep ' isnt the moon.. looks so ...beautiful' cale fell asleep in his chair

[Quite a beautifull sight if somebody draws it ... Too bad I cant draw 😟😟]

As cale sleeps he felt someone patting hes head it felt like his mother "cale ... My little boy.. have you been well? Ive been watching you.. Im sorry for leaving"
Cale felt sad as the patting stop

Cale woke up to the sound of his door and realize he has a blanket on "Young master!!"

Cale stands up and opens the door "what do you want!?" Said with anger it was hans "g -good morning young master, the count wanted to tell you if you would like to have lunch with them"

'lunch?' cale looked at hes window ' how long was I asleep?!', "I dont want to" cale said "but young master the count also want to have a word with you" the worker said with a scared voice

"No. say to him that ill go to him later in his office" cale said and slammed hes door he then prepared himself without servants to help him

As he wash himself he remembers the kid he met last night and pay no mind to him 'we'll just meet someday anyway'

After he washed he looked at the mirror and looked at hes body ' I look skinny? Do I need to eat more??...' cale thought

He changed and walks at the hall way to find his way to the count ' was the halls really this big? ' he then opens the door to the count and closed it

"Cale... Where were you last night ?" Count deruth said with a angered face
"Really? Ugh I went drinking" cale said with a annoyed face

"Sigh, cale your 17th birthday is coming up ... What do you want", cale looked at him and opens the door "just buy me wine or whatever, Im going out" cale walked out

Cale closed the door with his face covered with his hair, the servants around avoid him as he goes outside the henituse mansion

As he walks he looked like a trouble maker that wants to cause chaos, but inside he felt mad and sad ' after all those years youve ignored me father... This is the most hurtful thing youve ever done to me..' cale thought and stop he felt like he was about to cry

Cale looked up with a calm face and continue to walk as if nothing happend

Cale goes to his destination and drank 3 bottles of wine, hes face looked pink and drunk after that he realizes its night and goes out

Cale goes to the same bench where he met the boy rok soo as he didnt expect him to meet him again

"Hello sir cale" cale flinch and looked at where the sound came it was the same boy he met yesterday "ah .. rok soo? Right?" Cale said with a calm voice

"Yup!" Rok soo said "why are you here again?" Cale looked down it was the white cat and patted it

"Oh I was buying breakfast for tomorow"
Rok soo said and heard a grumble the silent between cale and rok soo was loud as they looked at each other

Cale looked away he was embarrassed,
Rok soo giggled "h - hey! Stop giggling! I didnt eat lunch okay?!"

"Haha sir cale you must be hungry right?" Rok soo pulled out a bread out of his bag and gave it to cale

"Thank you ... I guess..." Cale took a bite out of the bread and continued " you know sir cale... You seem quite different from the rumors"

"Ah... So youve heard of me? I was describe as a drunkard right?" Cale smirks

"but its not like I believe it"


"Well you see sir cale Im not the type who judge people by there apearance" rok soo smiled, cale look at him "oh.. so you wanted to know how I really am instead of believing the rumors?", "Yup!! I wanted to know how you really are! But... Ive never expected you to be a softie sir cale!"

"What? A softie !? Really out of all the other words you can describe me you choose SOFTIE?!" Cale said as he was embarrass

"Haha yes actualy.." rok soo said as he teased cale, rok soo looked at cales hand
'he looks quite skinny' rok soo thought
"Sir cale you look .. quite skinny? Have youve been eating well?" Rok soo ask

"Ah well Ive been but Im always skinny because I dont eat much haha" cale gave rok an awkward smile


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Cale And Hes Dragon Friend Rok SooWhere stories live. Discover now