we all have secrets

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AN/ Here is chapter two!

I'm still setting up the story here but don't worry we'll see the Avengers soon hehe/AN

He's never brought anyone home. Neither has he ever mysteriously spent the night somewhere else. Since his breakup, he's had a couple of downs. I had to hide his phone one time because he was drunk and just wanted to call Andrew back. He left a lot of desperate messages both text and vocal. I've tried to make him go out, see other people, try to get his mind off that asshole but nothing works. Even if Andrew wasn't the nicest guy ever, James still loved him, a lot. He told me about how happy they were together.

He tells me stories about Andrew sometimes. The guy looks like the kind of person who yells at the staff and never gives any tip but apparently, that's not all he is. James told me that, one time, they went on vacation in California and it was the greatest time of their lives. Their relationship was already a bit on the verge of imploding so they decided to remedy that. They spent the whole week together: going to the beach, playing frisbee together, cuddling in the hotel room, getting massages... Apparently, it brought them closer than ever and gave them a chance to get away from all the stress to finally spend some time together. Andrew saved a kitten stuck in a tree during that trip. That, I don't believe though.

The problem was when they got back. It all went downhill from there. The two men got into a gigantic fight. Andrew got very overwhelmed by all of the workload he had to do since he was gone for a week. He said some things he shouldn't have. He kept repeating that this was James' fault. That this whole vacation wasn't even a good idea at all and that James was a burden in his life. As I mentioned before, James rarely talks about his private life and his past or just doesn't at all, but he did a little bit to Andrew. He told him some stuff because he truly trusted him. Even if I don't know how intense what he told him was, because James doesn't tell me that stuff, I do know that Andrew used it against him. And it was brutal. Then the fight at the office happened and it was all over.

Even so, with all of their history, one thing I don't understand is why James still fights me for his phone, for a way to contact the other man. He broke his damn heart. Why not leave him alone? But James is heartbroken. It's so out of character for him. Usually, he's this cold-blooded, staring, menacing man. But now I often catch him sitting on the floor in his room, not crying, but staring into nothing as if his mind is not there at all. It's a different kind of staring than what he usually does. Normally, I feel like it's to read me and try to understand me. Or he does it to get under my skin. Now, it's like he's not there at all.

A couple of weeks after his breakup, he was looking a lot better and hadn't mentioned Andrew's name in a week, which was a lot of progress. I then brought him to the club me and my other friends always go to. That club is right next door to the Avengers tower and is owned by none other than Tony Stark himself, which explains the constant crowd. That night was no different. There were disco lights and great music. I have to give this one to Stark, he knows how to throw a party. I've seen him around here and some of the other Avengers coming to pick up drinks for the team or for their dates, but they mostly stay in the private rooms reserved for them. At one point, I see James talking with a man. I can't see his face because he has his back to me but he seems very attractive. And even bigger, more built than James. I didn't know that was possible for mortal men but apparently yes. They eventually leave together.

The next morning, I get a text from James, asking me to open the door. I drove him to the club so he had left his keys at the apartment. I let him in and saw immediately that he was happy.

"Good morning lover boy, how was your night?" I questioned him.

He looked at me with a tiny shy smile that most would not have been able to notice because he hid it right away. I knew him long enough to notice that kind of stuff. He kept his head down to not meet my gaze.

"Come on! Give me something..." I insisted.

"I had a nice night. That's all you get." He conceded.

"What? Unfair. You leave me all alone at the club and you don't even give me the details" I joke. "No but really, was he nice? Are you gonna see him again? If yes, can I meet him? What's his name?"

"Lily, chill!" He laughed. "Yes he was nice. For the rest I don't know yet."

Lily. That's the name I usually go by. It's not my real name though. Not a lot of people know my real name. I don't think James does. The name my parents gave me is Lilith. It means fallen angel. It's not that I don't like it, I think it's pretty actually. The thing is, I don't see myself in it. I don't recognize myself or see how it represents me. So, it wouldn't make sense for me to use it. With the meaning behind it, I feel like I should have a good reason to be called that. For now I don't have one, so we stick with Lily.

Except for my family, only one person knows my name. I trusted that person once but they betrayed me and we haven't seen each other since. We were so close that I felt like I could trust them, open up and tell them that very personal thing about myself. But after everything that happened, how can I trust anyone with my secret or anything ever again?

I always thought I knew when people were good and could be trusted. I never believe anything but facts and my intuition, it never fails me. Until that one time.. I gave my everything to that person, my whole trust, I even trusted them with my life. And look at what happened...

AN/ Hope you like it

Thank you for reading <3

If you have anything to say, leave a comment! /AN

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