True love 🥰🥰

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dr phill was walking in the park with his husband travis scot "your baby is gonna pop out any second why are we in a park" said travis scot "because i don't believe in doctors you know this" answered phill "right so how are they gonna get vaccinated?" travis asked "NO" phill YELLED they stared yelling at each other when suddenly POP PHILLS WATER BROKE "OH GREAT HEVANS" yelled phill "YOUR WATER BROKE IN THE MICFLE OF OUR ARGUMENT" said travis "BABE HELP" screamd phill "ILL BE BACK BBG" "ight homie" travis ran away to get help phill fell to the ground "ahhh" said phill then batman used a pregnant lady as a trampoline to get to phill "ANOTHER PREGNANT PERSON" yelled bat man "omg batman have my other kids pls" said phill swooning over bat daddy but inside of doing so bat man took out a bat! "ayo??" said phill batman stared hitting phills stohmic BAP BAP BAP BAP "AAAAAAAA" phill yelled in pain then batman got down on all fours and reached into phills whomb "WHERE THAT BABY AT" batman said finding and only half way pulling the baby out when suddenly travis came back! "THATS MY HUSBAND GET YOUR GRUBBY FURRY HANDS OFF HIM" travis screeched rapidly hitting him with a jug of milk "OMG LOOK AT THE SKY!!!!" phill yelled godzilla was rapidly falling out of the sky!!! travis hit batman one last time knocking him out then grabbing phill (baby swaying in the wind) and ran away batman got crushed by godzillas MASSIVE JUCIEY PLUMP ROUND SHINEY DUMPY travis set phill down "HELP WE NEED A DOCTOR" yelled travis "i'm a doctor" said lilly "OMG HELP MY HUSBAND IS HAVING BABY" yelled travis "i know what to do i think" said lilly "AAAAAA" screeched phill lilly got down to phills birth hole and grabbed the baby's head "3..2..." lilly counted THEN SHE YANKED IT OUT "it's a boy!!" lilly turned and got down sissers cutting the cord off "congratulations" said lilly throwing the baby to phill "i'm gonna name him... billy bob joe" phill said "yea that's a good name" agreed travis the end 🥰

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