Midnight Snack

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Three in the morning again... Why was 3AM the time at which your body had ungodly cravings that kept you awake? There wasn't any food in particular you were craving, you just wanted to eat something and satisfy the feeling. You couldn't sleep this one off sadly, no matter how comforting Nanami was as he slumbered peacefully beside you. You had to listen to your gut (literally) and get a snack, and hopefully do so without waking him.

With great caution you slowly pushed the comforter off of you and slid one leg at a time off of the bed. Perhaps you were being a little dramatic about it, but you really didn't want to wake up Nanami. Your love needed some rest after all the hell he's been through day in and day out, so as silly as you looked, you took long strides and tiptoed out of the bedroom into the kitchen. Only once you touched the cold tile with your feet did you let out the breath you had been involuntarily holding in, relieved to have made it out without disturbing him. Now you could walk normally, and you went straight for the fridge.

The soft glow of the fridge light spilled out across the kitchen once you opened it, and you stared blankly into the cold box hoping something appealing would cross your line of sight. It was like you were stuck in a trance, scanning shelf after shelf for something simple to feast on and satisfy your craving. Then, it dawned on you. Cheese. A beautiful block of cheese sat unopened right inside the door of the fridge, and once your eyes locked onto it, the craving inside you was desperate for it. Nothing else would satisfy you now. You grabbed it, and started to close the door, but you soon realized that you were no longer alone in the kitchen.

Footsteps caught your attention, and you whipped around to look behind you to find Nanami standing before you looking tired as ever. You on the other hand looked like a complete fool, the door half closed with a block of cheese in your hand, illuminating you like the little dairy thief you were in the night.

"_______, what are you doing?" Nanami asked you, his voice low from how tired he still was.

"A-ah... N-nothing?" You answered dumbly.

He raised a brow at you, knowing that it damn well wasn't just nothing. You held the block of cheese like a guilty craving goblin and sighed, admitting defeat.

"I'm sorry... I woke you up didn't I? I was too loud... I just had a really bad snack craving." You groaned.

"No, actually. I just felt that your presence was absent, and wanted to check on you." He chuckled, reaching over to close the fridge and plant a gentle kiss on the top of your head. "Though it seems I have caught you in the act."

"Eheheh... I'm really peckish." You said with a guilty chuckle.

"Come here then." Nanami offered, opening a cupboard and bringing down a box of crackers. "At least make it a little filling."

"You're too sweet." You huffed, nudging your way to the kitchen counter.

While Nanami opened the box, you started to cut little squares of cheese for yourself by the light of the moon. Once you had enough pieces, you were offered a cracker and happily accepted, combining the two food items into a nice and simple midnight snack. Your craving had finally subsided after a few pieces, a satisfied look now on your face while you snacked away at the cheese and crackers. Nanami leaned over your shoulder just as you were about to take another bite though, and made an 'aaah' sound in request of a bite. You giggled as you changed the course from your mouth to his, his arms snaking around your waist once he stole your treat from you.

"Is it good?" You asked.

"Mmm, surprisingly so." He hummed. "Have I always had this cheese? It's quite good."

"When it's three in the morning, things tend to taste better as a default." You stated.

"Speaking of three in the morning; shall we go back to bed? I'm still quite tired..." He mumbled.

"Aww, can't sleep without me?" You giggled.

"Mhmm..." He hummed, nestling his head into your shoulder as he squeezed you a little tighter.

"Alright. Let's go then." You sighed.

You took a quick moment to put the cheese back which was difficult thanks to Nanami still holding onto you. He was quite clingy when he was tired. Once it was back in the fridge though you were able to push him along and guide him back to the bedroom where you both fell back onto the bed together. He still did not let go, and in fact nuzzled deeper into your neck while you pulled up the comforter again.

"Sleep well, Kento. I'm sorry for waking you." You said softly, wrapping your arms around him.

He mumbled a quiet "'s fine" against your skin, his grip on you loosening a little as he began to doze off once again. He really was the sweetest, and it overjoyed you that you were the only one who got to see this side of him, even if you did accidentally disturb him by getting a late night snack. Your turn to sleep soon came as well, your satisfied stomach no longer bothering you as you returned to your slumber held tightly in his arms.

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