Gwen's boyfriend is out for a business trip & I can tell she's bored without him. I'm not helping either just being locked in my room doing research. I can hear her gush over the phone about him with Alex since I refuse to listen to her go on & on about him. I am very happy for her, but I can only take so much. If she's not talking to one of the girls, she's on the phone with him; like she is now. All they talk about is how much they miss each other & all the dirty things she's going to do when she sees him. 

"I can't walk to climb up & down your body, grasp you so tightly you won't be able to let go."

Alright, that's enough for me.

"I'm going to go pick up some paper work," I mouth to her while she's still on the phone. She nods & heads back into the room giggling over the phone. 

I head down to my car & drive into town. I park in a parking garage & decide to take a walk to clear my head. I've been working so hard & I often get rewarded with some sort of friendly recognition at work along with a fancy printed certificate, but I think I do tend to trigger my episodes with stress from it. I just like to be ahead but I know my mind should just relax. 

I remember the coffee shop Lenny was mooshing over earlier this week. West Washington isn't far from where I am, & a coffee sounds really good right now. I head over & he was absolutely right about it looking very secluded, located in an open alley. Oddly enough it wasn't very difficult to locate. Bulb lights hanging all over & quite a bit of people at six o' clock in the afternoon.

I head inside & there's a band playing on what seems like a platform right at the corner. Brick walls, very dark but inviting. It feels so warm & the smell of coffee fills your nose, but also the smell of cinnamon rolls it seems. I love the fact that nothing really matches but somehow it all goes together. The band is singing a nice ballad rendition of a The 1975 song. I can see people bobbing their heads to the sweet music, but also sense that not many of these people know who The 1975 are.

I make my way up to the counter/bar area. "How can I help you?" this gorgeous curly headed girl comes up to me, she looks so familiar.

"I've never been here before," I look up at the menu behind her, "what do you recommend?"

"Well how strong do you like your coffee?" she leans her head on her hands & smiles at me.

"Fairly strong, not too sweet." I say.

"Okay, I will be right back," she gets up & heads over to make me a mystery coffee. I can't quite put my finger on how I know her. She's not wearing a name tag so she stays a mystery.

The band playing is so soothing to listen to. The voice of the lead singer has such a soft but raspy voice. I look over to watch & I couldn't believe to my surprise that it was the guy from the pier up there singing with his guitar. I never thought I would see him again. Out of all the places in Chicago, how could he be here? I'm so amused by his voice & the way he performs up on that little stage. He really has everyones attention on him, especially me. Then it clicks, the curly headed girl was who showed up after the fireworks show. She must work here & he performs, maybe that's how they know each other? They must be dating, "Here you go," she smiles at me, "Not too strong but not too sweet. It's called a split bean if you ever wanna order it again, welcome." she smiles & heads back to work. She's so nice.

I take a sip of the coffee & it's almost like an explosion of flavor. I taste cinnamon & nutmeg, even a nutty taste. It's so good I can't stop drinking it. I turn around to continue watching the band, I gaze around the room & see couples hug each other so lovingly. It makes me so happy to see that music can really bring people so close to each other. I keep staring at the man whose name I have yet to learn sing his heart out on that stage, I'm so mesmerized, I don't even realize he's been staring at me the entire time until he starts to smile. I completely freak out I spill the coffee all over myself.

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