♡;; An unexpected get-together

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Almond quickly took many steps back before eventually falling to the ground.
The tall figured chuckled "Awe what's got you so clumsy Mr.Detective~?"
The figure, whilst being mostly covered up from the neck down by a pale coat, had the same color pale as the coat with teal spots on it. Their hair was blonde, long and braided with a teal bit of hair and a monocle resting on their face.
The detective tried to catch his breath before eventually looking up at the figure.
"Wh - " Almond breathed heavily.
"Who are you...? The hell.."
The figure grabbed both of Almond's hands, lifting him back up to his feet and eventually letting go of his hands.
"Oh darling my identity is unimportant right now~!" They giggled.
"Though... if you're that curious, I am the infamous thief Phantom Bleu!"
Almond could tell they were high and mighty about their alias though the more he looked at the thief it felt like he had seen them before.
Sneakily, the detective reached for his handcuffs in his back pocket trying not to cause a scene. Almond had remembered that one of the officers he works with had a recent case of a thief that had robbed the local jewelry store. They identified the person to be wrapped up in a pale jacket only allowing their pants and shoes to be seen. Almond was certain this figure was that exact criminal his co worker has struggled dealing with recently.

Bleu laughed "Though if you are curious I can tell you how sneaked past you~! Maybe if I am feeling generous though."
The detective waited for them to be finished talking before immediately pouncing on them and grabbing his handcuffs.
Though instead of any frightened or scared look on Bleu's face, they smiled and chuckled once more.
"Well aren't you quick~?"
Almond's pupils shrank, expecting a different outcome of this.
"Y-You're under arrest Bleu! My handcuffs are inescapable-!"
"Oh Mr.Almond.." The thief rested their arms on Almond's shoulders, staring directly into his eyes.
"What makes you think a guy like me deserves to be arrested like this..?"
The detective grabbed Bleu by the arm "First of all, wipe that grin off you're face." He said in a harsh tone.
He furrowed his eyebrows "Second, I know who you are. My co workers have told me all too much about your theft."
"Ouch.. how harsh~" The thief said.
Almond's sturn look quickly faded into another surprised and embarrassed look.
They laughed "Did they tell you about my charm~? Perhaps how I pulled their heart strings?"
The detective furrowed his eyebrows once again, grabbing Bleu by the collar "Cut the act.."
"Like I said previously, my handcuffs are inescapable."
The thief smirked "Alright! You got me!"
Pushing Almond off of themselves, they got up, turned around and put their hands behind their back.
Almond stared at them with a confused look.
"Well come on!"
The detective got up and backed up, still staring at them with a confused look.
Bleu turned their head to look at Almond, who was far back from them.
"Wha...? Cmon you wanted to arrest me did you not?"
Almond averted his eyes to the ground.
Many thoughts went through his head most just questions of why? Why were they behaving this way? Was it to get on his good side? Usually when the detective had arrested a criminal, they would beg, beg like they were going to die. They'd get defensive with Almond, throw insults at him and threatened him.
"I'm just getting rusty with my work" he thought as he shook his head.
Bleu turned their head in confusion.
Almond sighed "Tch... "
The detective walked over to them, grabbing them by the shoulder, turning them around and pointing at the exit.
"Get out of here before I change my mind."
Bleu raised an eyebrow and looked to the direction Almond was pointing at.
"Hah! Well then..."
They smiled and grabbed Almond by the chin, pulling him inches close to their face.
"I look forward to our next get-together, Mr.Almond~"
Almond's pupils shrank, quickly pushing them off him in pure embarrassment.
"Oh and also, I don't need directions I go my own way~!" They winked.
And in the blink of an eye, the thief climbed up the building they were behind and ran as fast as they could on the roof.

Almond stared as they made their escape eventually walking to the exit of the alleyway and sitting on a bench right outside of the building.
"That bastard." He whispered to himself.
The detective laid back, sighed and closing his eyes trying to process everything that had just happened.
Something about the thief was different. He couldn't tell if the difference was something he found positive or not.
Almond had felt unsure a lot of times but something about this confrontation made him feel even more unsure.
The detective felt a ring, it seemed to be his phone getting a call.
Almond answered "Yes...?"
Taking a second he quickly realized he had a call earlier of his co worker wanting him to check out the murder scene.
"And yes.... it will cost you your job, so I better not see you slacking."
It appeared his boss got pissed and hung up.
Almond looked at the ground, feeling embarrassed and ashamed.
Sighing, he got up and shoved his hands in his pockets.
Maybe it will be fine? Surely they can't fire him, after all the justice system in Parfaedia wouldn't really be anything without his work.
Almond's thoughts were racing as he walked away into the distance

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