only chapter

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"Have you ever pictured what I'd be like if our parents didn't fight?"
"If our families aren't enemies..."


– I swear, Pat! If I'm late because of you, starting tomorrow you're going alone to college! – Pran screams to the window across his own, closing it and getting his bag.

– I'M COMING! WAIT FOR ME! – He hears Pat screaming before he gets out of the room. The boy knows how to be loud.

– Mom, Dad, I'm leaving! – Pran says to his parents while he's taking his car keys.

– Won't you have breakfast first? – His mother asks, putting some plates on the table.

– No, I'm gonna be late if I do. I can eat something at the college with Pat.

– Pat, huh? – His father gives him a side smile, as if he meant something.

– Not that again. – Pran rolls his eyes, trying not to laugh. – I don't have to date any of my male friends, you know that right? – Since he came out to his parents, they keep looking for 'potential candidates' to be his boyfriend. It's so weird. Especially when they talk about Pat.

– You can't blame us, you're together all the time. – His mom says and he just sighs.

– I can't avoid it. The guy is a pain in the *ss. Maybe, in another life we were enemies or something, and I'm paying for it in this life. Seriously. – The doorbell rings just in time. – I have to go. I love you too, bye.

– Come more often, we miss you! – His mom says and he nods at her, putting his shoes on and opening the door to see Paa.

– Sawatdee kha, P'Pran – She greets him with a smile.

Sawatdee. Is he coming or are we going to leave him behind again? – He asks the younger one, smiling to remember the last time that they left first and Pat just ran after the car.

– He almost fell on the stairs, trying to put on his pants and run at the same time. – Paa is an ally. She's smarter and easier to talk to than her annoying older brother.

– Let's give him a minute, while I take the car out of the garage. – He says, getting in his car and already laughing, while Paa waits at the sidewalk.

            They've been friends since... always, probably. Pran doesn't remember a single day where Pat wasn't by his side in life.They're best friends, neighbors, confidants, everything. When he chose Architecture in college, Pat chose Engineering because 'they complement each other, just like us'. He wishes he could deny this sentence but he's right. They're complete opposites but they work well together.

            Pran stops the car on the street and Paa gets on the back seat, as always, while he looks through the rear view. The clock marks 7:30, the time they should be departing and he smiles, honking once. The honking is the sound that says to both their parents they're leaving. Pat must be going insane right now.

            At the time he puts the gear on D, he sees a running and completely messy Pat, running to his car and making him laugh. Just one minute more and he would've stayed behind.

– I can't believe you would leave me! – He complains when he gets at the door, before he enters.

– I still can, if you don't get your butt inside right now. – He accelerates, with his foot on break, the car noise startling Pat.

– You're so annoying! – He enters the passenger seat, mumbling. – And you! You're my sister! Why do you take his side?

– Cause you're dumb. – Paa answers, making Pran laugh and Pat shows her a middle finger.

– Enough. Just put your belt on. Did you take a shower?

– Of course I did. Last time you said I couldn't get in your car if I didn't. – He complains while putting his belt on and Pran takes off with the car.

– Of course. My car, my rules.

– I can't wait to have my car back, so I don't need to go with you two.

– Oh! You can get off, right now. – Pran says, mocking him. He would never get out of the car and he knows it. He's too lazy to take a bus or anything. Even when they're in the dorms, he's too lazy to walk around the campus. – Next time, drive like a normal person, then your parents won't take it away from you.

– It was ONE speed ticket! It's unfair! – He complains and Pran rolls his eyes, while Paa puts on her earphones. She can't stand her own brother. Pat is unpredictable, loud, messy, kinda aggressive and Pran is used to it. At the same time, he's kind, confident and very popular with everyone, especially the girls.

          Pran doesn't know how he could fall for someone like him. It seems so cliche to fall in love with your best friend that Pran couldn't even tell his feelings to him. This fact itself is so weird, since he tells Pat everything.

– Just be careful next time and be grateful that you still have me to drive you.

– You're my best friend, it's your duty.

– Duty, my *ss – Pran complains, but laughs at him.

– Are you free tomorrow night? – Pat asks, checking himself in the mirror of the car. He left in a rush so he couldn't even comb his hair.

– Why?

– Let's have a date. – Pran almost lost control of the car.

– What? – He asks, trying to remain calm. What the f*ck is going on?

– A date. You and me, movie, corn cheese popcorn, maybe something sweet. – He says, looking at Pran, that keeps his eyes on the road. – I have something to say after that. – Pat says, like it's no big deal, while Pran is trying his best to don't cause any accidents.

– Are you crazy, Pat?

– Why? – Pran is not feeling well. He stops the car at the road shoulder. He can't drive with his heart beating like this.

– Do.. Do you like me? – Pran asks, looking at his best friend with confusion.

– Why did we stop the car?– Paa asks, taking one earphone off so she could talk with them.

– I'm asking Pran out.

– Before breakfast? – Paa says and Pran looks at her. Isn't she surprised? – At least I won't throw up with your bullsh*t, but I will be late if we don't get going.

– Pran? – They're both looking at him, making the boy feel extremely nauseous. What's happening here?

– Ahn... Fine. – Pran answers in a whisper, while Pat opens up the biggest smile.

– Great! Tomorrow then. Do you want me to drive?

– Hell no. – Pran answers, trying not to smile, while starting the car again.


"Pran? Pran? Are you not talking to me again?" Pat asks, bringing Pran back from his dreamy thoughts. His mind definitely tricked him with this version of the life they could have in another space and time, like friends.

"If our families aren't enemies..." He says, looking at Pat. He looks so handsome that Pran has to look away, back to the sea. "You would still be a pain in the *ss."

         Pat pushes him a bit, making both of them smile sadly.
         A scenario where they both could be together? 

         It would be too good to be true.

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