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Aman entered the conference room. He was waiting for the clients and here enters our Roshni with full swag and attitude. She sat in her place crossing her legs. Both didn't see each other as Roshni was facing his back.

"So, let's start the meeting. Shayari give me the files." Roshni forwarded her hands, taking the files and checking them.

Aman thought that he knows this voice and turned to get the shock of his life.

"Roshni!?" Aman said, his eyes widened.

Roshni too stood up, shocked, "You!?"

She threw a questioning glance at Shayari who was blank. Roshni sighed.

"See Mr Khan this is a professional meeting and we should not bring personal matters in between. Let's start the meeting." She stood and went near the screen on which the project was being shown.

She started with full confidence and a bossy mood. Aman was shocked to see her explaining this well.

"That's it." She ended, turning off the projector and picking up her files.

Everyone clapped and Aman also unknowing clapped.

'If I accept this deal then she will have to be here and work with me. Then I can punish her for cheating on me.' Aman thought, a smirk on his face.

"The deal is accepted Mrs-" He was cut off by her.

"Miss. Miss. Roshni Ahmed. I am unmarried Mr. Khan." She said as he looked at her, a little shocked.

Did she really abandoned him, is their marriage nothing to her now.

He soon recovered, he won't care as he had broke all the ties with her long ago.

"Yeah, Miss. Roshni Ahmed, the deal is accepted. We can start working from tomorrow." He said making her nod.

She soon went out with Shayari. He smirked looking at her.

Adaa's call came. He picked up the call.

On call.


"Aman baby, let's have lunch outside today, please."

"Ok, you come to the office we will leave from there."

"Ok baby. Byee."


He cuts the call, walking outside.


"Rosh are you fine?" Shayari asked tensed as she say a few tears escaping her best friends eyes.

"You told me that the meeting is not with him. Then, what is this? Shayari it has taken 2 years for me to overcome my past and you know it right, then why." She quickly wiped away the tears, now facing her.

"Rosh, I thought the meeting is with another Khan industry." Shayari looked down, feeling guilty.

"Yeah and that another Khan Industry's CEO's name is also Mr Aman Junaid Khan right? How can you be this careless Shayari?" Roshni crossed her arms over her bosom, looking at her sternly.

"Sorry na Rosh." She held her ears, pouting cutely. Roshni immediately melted by that cute face.

"No problem, but now I am hungry let's eat something." She said, cheering up her bestie.

"Sure!" Shayari chirped happily.

They left for a restaurant. They sat and ordered the food. Aman came there with Adaa. Roshni chose to ignore them and was talking with Shayari.

"Rosh, can I take your lappy. I left mine at home." Shayari asked making her nod. She gave as Shayari opened it.

"Password?" She asked as it was asking password to operate.

"K. H. A. N. B. A. B. A." Roshni spelled out the word, sipping her juice.

Aman heard it but ignored it. Shayari put the password and the wallpaper was of our RoshAn. She looks at Roshni and she looks away. The food arrives and after talking about the business both left for the mall to do a bit of shopping. Aman left for home with Adaa.

Ahmed Manzil.

Roshni and Shayari came, tired and sank down on the sofa.

"Ammi!" Roshni called, picking out the things from their bags and keeping it on the table.

"Ladoo how was the meeting?" Salma asked as she passed them a glass of water each.

"It was nice Ammi, we got the deal." Roshni choose to not tell her and smiled half heartedly.

"Wow. It is good news." Salma got happy and left for the kitchen to serve the food.

"Why didn't you tell Ammi about Mr AJK." Shayari asked as soon as Salma was out of their sight.

"Ammi is very happy after soo much time. If she got to know that the man has returned to my life again. She will be hurt. And I can see anything but not my Ammi being hurt." Roshni sighed, leaning back in the sofa.

"Not only your heart is Angelic, but you are also an angel Rosh." Shayari smiled, now massaging her bestie's head.

"What is the use of being Ayaana when I can't protect him from the upcoming danger." Roshni closed her eyes.

Even the thought of him being in danger was like a hundred daggers piercing her, but she couldn't do anything for him, to protect him.

"You don't have to. Remember he is the one who insulted you every time." Shayari got angry at his mention.

"Ok now leave it." Roshni changed the topic, sensing her anger.

Junaid Manzil.

Tabeezi came inside, calling out everyone, "Aman!"

All soon came towards her as Anjum asked, "What happened Rubina?"

"Ammi, tomorrow is laal chand ki Raat. We have to do something. Only Ayaana can save him." Tabeezi looked tensed.

"But Ayaana is not in the house and she will never agree to save Aman after what happened." Anjum looked at Aman who looked at her.

"You are saying like what happened was my mistake Dadi. That characterless gold digger. She doesn't deserve to be called Mrs. Aman Junaid Khan." Aman said, again insulting Roshni.

Sara and Saima couldn't control it anymore. Sara finally spoke up, "Stop it Bhai. You cannot say things like this to bhabhi."

"It was my fault, not hers." Saima continued.

"What are you saying?" Aman looked bewildered.

They told him the entire truth. Now he was regretting his mistake of not trusting her.

"Why didn't you tell me this before." Aman asked, looking at his sisters.

"Bhabhi made us promise that we will not reveal the truth but we couldn't take it anymore." Saima looked down, Feeling guilty for not telling it earlier.

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