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Robert Baratheon wanted to get rid of what he calls is monster child, Joffrey Baratheon and he thought what better the to ask his old friend, Ned Stark.

⚜️Chapter One⚜️

Ned Stark eyebrows rose he seen a letter from the King old friend, Robert Baratheon. No letters were not a normal between the two however a marriage proposal was.

Dear old friend,
Hello my friend I know we talked about Mary proposals in the past. Me and your sister, before she passed, for betrothed. Now there is a new generation and I wish to get rid of my firstborn. Why yes that sounds very cruel my firstborn is not normal.

Ned wondered what was not normal about the firstborn. As far as he could tell and what from others told him, the first born was very handsome with blonde hair and green eyes.

He cut up a cat and is very cruel to others around him. While yes, this doesn't sound appealing he could be very sensitive. But let's not talk about him anymore, I wish to talk about your son, the bastard, Jon Snow. He would be a Lord and would get richest more than Tyron Lannister.

Ned couldn't help but agree. Jon marrying Joffrey would help Ned not worry about him anymore. He still remembers the screams, the screams yells that she would howl. "Promise me promise me Ned." she would say.

If you agree to this marriage proposal, write back immediately. We will come visit Winterfell so they can get to know one another but we will not tell them until we leave. Then Jon will come to King's landing.
Ned was in deep thought. Could you do this, could he sent his son off to some foreign land, with a guy he barely knew. Apparently the answer was yes. Ned wrote the letter right away.

But before he could send it he had another raven. Jon Aryn, a man he calls his father had died. The king would come to Winterfell anyway to grieve.


From the stronghold's gates, the King's Road wends its way to the horizon -- where tiny specks of red and gold appear, barely visible. Very slowly, they grow larger.

The king's party approaches.

Bran, The brother of Jon and son of Ned Stark, climbs down the side of the tower, his hands and feet finding purchase on its jutting stones with a monkey's unthinking agility.

Climbing is as natural to him as studying is onerous. He smiles as he makes his way toward the ground in record time, very pleased with himself--

Until his mother yanks him off the stones. Catelyn lowers him to the ground and sternly waits for an explanation.

"I was... I was..."  Bran stuttered.

"You were bored with your lesson so
you decided to climb the castle walls, even though I've forbidden it two hundred times. "Catelyn waited patiently for an answer.

"I-- " Bran started, but never finished.

"Brandon... I want you to promise
me: No more climbing. Promise." Catelyn practically begged.

Bran looks at his feet before gazing up at her solemnly.

"I promise." Bran promised

Catelyn leans over to look her son dead in the eye.

You know what?... You always look at your feet before you lie. Catelyn told him.

Despite Bran's best efforts, his mouth stretches into a smile, and a chuffing laugh escapes from behind it.

Catelyn smiles, unable to help herself. She sees that his hands, clothes and bare feet are filthy from the climb down.

"Go on, clean yourself up. The king
will be here soon." She told him.

Bran kisses his mother on the cheek and runs off.

The king's party pours through the gates of Winterfell in a river of gold, silver and steel, one hundred strong.

Over their heads, a dozen golden banners whip in the wind, emblazoned with the crowned stag of the House Baratheon.

At the far end of the yard, Ned's face betrays nothing as he watches the King's party approach with his family beside him.
Catelyn, Robb, Jon and Bran are here, as are Sansa, The half-sister of Jon Snow, and the first daughter of Ned Stark. Arya, The second daughter of Ned Stark and their little brother Rickon.

Ser Jaime rides through the gate and into the courtyard.
Bran whispered to Jon. "Is that the king?"

"That's Jaime Lannister. The Kingslayer." Jon told him.

Bran can't take his eyes off the man. He's heard the stories.

Tyrion Lannister rides behind his brother Jaime, studying the castle and its occupants, missing nothing.
Joffrey Baratheon , the crown prince, tall for his age, and haughty. Beside him:
Sandor Clegane, "The Hound," Joffrey's bodyguard. Terrible burn scars cover half his face.

A huge man approaches, flanked by knights in snow-white cloaks. A black beard covers his double chin, but nothing can hide the belly that threatens to burst his doublet's buttons.

This is KING ROBERT BARATHEON. He vaults from his warhorse and gives Ned an imperious once-over.

"You've gotten fat." Robert told him. Ned just raised an eyebrow. Robert let out a boisterous laugh, hugging him.

"Nine years! Why haven't I seen you?
Where the hell have you been?" The king asked laughing.

"Guarding the north for you, your Grace. Winterfell is yours." Ned told him.

As the king's party dismounts, an ornate wheelhouse pulls into their midst. QUEEN CERSEI LANNISTER emerges with her younger children, Tommen and Myrcella.

Ned kneels to kiss her ring; her smile is pure formality.

Robert, on the other hand, embraces Catelyn like a long lost sister. As the children on both sides are brought forward and introduced, Robert steps back to Ned.

"Take me down to your crypt. I want
to pay my respects." Robert ordered.

"We've been riding since dawn.
Surely, the dead will wait." Cersei told him a bit annoyed.

Robert gives her a hard look. Cersei stares back at him, uncowed. Finally Robert turns and walks away. After an awkward glance at the Queen, Ned leads Robert toward one of Winterfell's old towers.

Jon pitied her. Yes, she's married to a king but she's also married to a drunk and a man-whore.

Hello this is the first chapter of this book. Which is always very exciting for me, I don't know about you guys but I get so excited when I first read a book that I think is really good. This chapter I feel like it's kind of all over the place it gives you a little bit of everything. The next chapter will actually get to meet Jon and Joffrey to see what they think and how they are feeling.

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