chapter 2 new school new friends

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  the morning didn't start off the best jen accidentally set the motel alarm clock to pm. i had to rush getting ready but thank god we were only a couple minutes late. the car ride to school was pretty quiet and went by fast, before i knew it we were already there. we had to park pretty far away because there were no empty spaces.

  when we made in to the front office we were greeted by one of the ladies working there.

  "how can i help you?" she said with a smile.

  "hi there i was wondering if i could enroll my sibling in school here?"

  "of course you can sweetie, the basics you need is your sibling's birth certificate, mail with their name on it, proof you are the legal guardian, and residency.

  "i only have three of those, we just got here last night"

  "It's okay i'll see if i can work some magic to try and get your sibling in school"

  "thank you so much"

  "oh, it's no problem, my name is gale" she held out a hand for us to shake.

  my sister grabbed her hand and shook it it, "jen" she said, i did the same "y/n"

  jen handed her the documents, gale took them and said she was gonna set up my schedule but in the meantime we could take a seat. There were a couple chairs behind us. we both walked over and sat down, a couple minutes after someone came in through the door, it was the guy from the gas station.

  "sorry i'm late miss sanders i had to work a double shift again" he said.

  the lady he talked to let out a deep sigh and shook her head "it's alright phillip i understand your situation, let me go get you a late pass real quick" .

  she looked around her desk and inside a drawer before finally finding them and quickly writing him a pass

  gale came out soon after, jen and i got up and walked towards the desk.

  "here you go sweetie, at this school there are 8 classes but you only go to 4 each day. today is b day so you go to classes two, four, six, and eight. monday is the same but you go to  your odd classes."

she handed me two papers "everyone is currently in home room" she looked over to the gas station guy "phillip there can help you to your home room after he gets a late pass"


  after phillip walked me to my homeroom. he didn't really say anything besides 'here's your home room'. i walked in and was greeted by the teacher. she told me to sit next to an empty desk in the middle of the room. it wasn't that quiet here, a couple people were talking amongst themselves. i feel so anxious. i wish i didn't have to move. why couldn't my parents just wait until the school year was over or at least until i was out of high school to leave the country. i probably look so stupid sitting here doing nothing. i took a look at where my next class is, i'm pretty sure it's in this area of the school. i'm currently in room 103 i need to go to 111 it shouldn't be that hard trying to find.

  the bell rang letting us know it's time for first period. i grabbed my backpack and schedule and tried to find my next class.

  it took a minute but i was finally able to get there. a lady was standing outside of the classroom, i assumed she was a teacher. i walked up to her

"hey i'm new i just transferred here today"

  "hi there im ms.morgan" she looked in the class and back at me "there is an open next to todd he has orange hair and glasses"

  "okay thank you". i walked to the seat and sat down putting my bag on the ground next to me. It was freezing in here.

  the bell rang again, ms.morgan stepped in and began the lesson. i had no idea what was going; on this class is way ahead of the one back home. everything was so confusing. she finished the lesson and assigned us to work together with a partner.

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