Chapter Three: Fitz POV

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Which guest room to use? I guess it doesn't really matter, so, I'll just pick one. Um,
"Fitzyyyyyy, hurry up and pick one, I'm bored," Keefe complained. It's always me he complains too, why?
"Be patient. And do you have to call me Fitzy?"
"Is 'Roy better then?" He asked, why is he so good with nicknames?
"Fitzy is fine," I obliged.

I found a room, Sophie, Biana and Linh showed up with supplies and Tam, Marella, and Dex showed us what it would look like. We got to work. Well, kinda, Keefe kept throwing pillows at me, Biana wanted to put all her sparkly pillows and stuff in there but everyone said no, and Sophie and I were just talking telepathically amongst all the chaos.

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