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"Im so stupid" I mumble as Alvaro caressed my hair
"Kairi its a handjob" he says and I shake my head

"He knows how I feel about him and he knows how to take advantage I fucking hate him Alvero" I say wiping my eyes, my eyes shot up as we both heard a knock on our front door

"It's my brother and his friend, they could stay in my room if you want" I shook my head and sat up

"Hey Kai this is Jackson and you already know my ugly brother" alvero says before I looked up at the two my dark brown orbs locking in with dark green ones

I waved from where I was sitting and he showed his bright white teeth before going into the guest room to put his things down because the two were staying here until they found an apartment here in New Jersey

I walked into my bedroom and grabbed my ice breaker book and read for hours until I fell asleep

I woke up to a knock at my door, I rubbed my eyes waddling over "hey can I borrow some toothpaste I forgot to pack some" I hear before I could look up at the very tall man, I nod slowly and walked to my bathroom
Grabbing a tube of toothpaste from under my sink

"Icebreaker huh? My little sister reads that" I hear and I chuckle "she has great taste then "I say handing him the toothpaste before placing the book on my nightstand

"You read a lot" he says looking at my bookshelf
"I'm an English lit major....i kinda have to be" I say sitting down at the edge of my bed glancing over the clock it was 3 am, "remind me again why you need toothpaste at three fourteen in the morning?"

"Maybe I just needed an excuse to talk to you" he says bluntly before turning around and sitting next to me

"Talk to....me?" I say quietly turning red under his dark gaze by the second "is that surprising kairi?" He says and I break contact to look at my window thunder in the sky as it rained heavily "are you tired?" He asked and I shook my head "let's watch a movie, your choice" he says and I nodded with a smile

"I like romance movies, is that okay?" I said grabbing the remote "are you asking me if you liking something is okay?" He asked with a smile and it sounded so stupid when he said it "put a movie on that you like" he says making himself comfortable on my bed

I played my favorite romcom and laid down next to him keeping some space in between because I didn't wanna overstep and boundaries he had but before the movie could even start he pulled me in closer and put one of my thighs onto his

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10 ⏰

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