Chapter 2

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You had no way of measuring the pass of time, but every minute felt eternal as you were there, tied to the chair, sure that you were going to didn't know when the four hours passed, as time seemed to move so slow, but then, one of the Russian men approached you.

"Time's almost up," he told you, and tears filled your eyes had the crazy hope that since you had helped Murphy, and this had happened because of that, that he would come to help you were such an idiot.

"I told you, I don't know then, they don't care if you kill me, I'm no one," you whimpered. "Please, let me go, please."

"We can't, woman, there's a message to send," the man told you, shrugging as if he were talking business and not about killing a person, you.

Then, the door of the warehouse opened and there were voices from outside saying something in Russian, before the Russian men who had been outside walked in, one at each side of a man whom you didn't know.

He wore clothes similar to what you thought you remembered Murphy wearing. Jeans, a dark t-shirt and a long black coat. You wondered if that might be Murphy's brother...Connor was it? Why wasn't Murphy with him? Maybe his wound had gotten worse? It hadn't looked like he was going to be careful with the stitches...

While you wondered on what was going to happen now, if Murphy was badly wounded, if his brother was now going to get killed right there and then maybe you too, the men shared some words in Russian, before the one who had been in front of you walked to Connor, leaving another standing next to your chair, gun ready.

"Where's the other?" The mafia guy asked Connor

"My brother wouldn't come, he decided he's not goin' to get killed for a stranger." Connor shrugged. "I don't know where did you find this lass, but we don't know her."

The men looked at each other, as if they hadn't expected that to happen, while you felt rage raise in you at Connor's words, not matter how scared you were...a stranger, sure, you were a stranger, but you had saved his brother's ass and fixed his wound, hadn't he told his brother?

Murphy hadn't cared about you getting killed because of him...he wouldn't come...a small part of you thought that it might be normal, not getting killed for a woman he didn't' really know...but you were knew you shouldn't have trusted his cute look, he was an asshole who knew you were going to get killed because you had helped him and yet he wouldn't come to help you despite his brother doing so.

Suddenly, though, you could swear you saw Connor wink at you but it was so fast, you weren't sure you had imagined it.

"But...I disagreed with my brother, so I'm here," he said.

"Deal was for the both of you," the man said and Connor shrugged again.

"I can't control what my brother does...told ye, we disagreed, it's not the first time..." Connor shook his head. "My brother...he and I, we don't see eye to eye on this business of us. Aye, I know our business was killin' yer guys, but it's not personal, it's business." Connor shrugged, seeming unfazed when a gun was pointed at him.

"One week at it, we got more money than I've seen together in all my life...but my brother, he wanna quit, and now ye scared him more, kidnappin' some random lass, puttin' her murder on baby brother's not cut up for this." Connor let out a disappointed sigh, and you thought that for a second his eyes darted to the platform at one side of the warehouse, but again, it was so quick that you weren't sure.

"But...I don't want to quit, neither to get killed by ye, and so that's why I'm here...not really for the random lass." Connor gave you a dismissive gesture. "So...what if we got pass ye guys tryin' to kill me and me killin' yer people, and instead we work together?"

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