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I have never given thought to how love would find me—accidental love, like the love stories you would read in a book—where the man and woman meet accidentally and it's love at first sight.

It's strange but beautiful.

Although I might experience disappointment in that department. It's okay. I can live with myself. However, being in love with a popular boy named, Chann Miak, makes things a little harder. Well, let's just say, everyone knows him, and as far as I go.

In the back of that train—yeah, maybe a boat, could be a boat, either way, it's in the back.

"Evelyn, talk to him; he is only human," I peek above my book at my best friend, Raymond. "What? No. As if he will ever talk to me, Ray, I am the last person on Earth—no, in the galaxy. He will probably do something stupid to make fun of me."

Ray rolls his eyes.

"Have you seen yourself?" I lower my book on the table. "What do you mean?" He chuckles, scratching his head. "There's nothing wrong with you, Evelyn, and besides, he can only ignore you—"

"Only ignore me?" He pushes up his hands. "No, sorry, Evy, that came out wrong." I tilt, lifting a brow at him. "Then explain please?" He clears his throat—here we go. "All I'm saying is Evy if Chann chooses to ignore you—you can move on from him, a-and—"

"That doesn't even sound remotely better than the first time—j-just..." He nods, "Yeah, got that."

He shifts back to his place and pokes his mash further; I peek above my book at their table again; his messy black hair fits his casual clothing so well, it is like, he is the only person who can pull that off and still look so damn good doing it "So did you hear about the new talent show they are hosting?" I glance at him above my book. "Yes?"

He smiles at me, showing off his pearly whites. "Well, are you going to join?" "No--" I continue reading my book. "What is wrong with you today? Are you in a bad mood or something?" I shift my book down and turn my focus on him. His enormous grey eyes focus on me. "No, Ray, I am just--trying to read my book. I am sorry."

His face stretches at me. "Am I disturbing your glancing?" "What does that even mean?" He chuckles, and his pearly whites shine out of his mouth again. "I'm just kidding, Eve." I nod as I form my mouth in an O shape, weird, their laughter distracts me once more,

I glance their way, and his focus is on me. Me. me of all people, the girl he never notices, who always hides in the corner. The heat from his eyes almost makes me want to melt. "Why is he staring at me?" Ray glances in his direction, and Chann returns his focus to his friends.

"I don't know--" Ray looks at me again as he wiggles his eyebrows. "Maybe he notices you, maybe--" "Hey there." I almost jump out of my skin as his voice appears next to us. What? How did he get here so fast and without us noticing? I focus on my book instead of him.

"Okay, just wanted to ask Ray, are you coming to practice after school? We can use you on our team at the end of the semester." He invites himself by sitting at ours. Our table "Yeah, sure" Sweat drops tickle my back as I try my best to concentrate on my book, but his--everything makes me so uncomfortable and sweaty and, melting; why sweaty?

"Hey there, Eve, right?" My eyes stretch at his question. For the first time in--forever, he is talking to me. to me. I peek above my book at his alluring green eyes. "Y-yes?" Does he smile at me, okay, only a half-small smile? He is smiling at me; this might be a step closer to forming a friendship. right?

"I was wondering if you want to help me in... dancing" His last word trails off, almost sounding like a whisper to me. "D-dancing?" He nods at me... since when is a rich boy shy? Maybe I have the wrong impression of him? Perhaps this mask of his is only to prove his toughness, but underneath, he is a sweet, kind boy. "Yeah... uhm, I need that mark to pass this semester."

"Why dancing?" His red cheeks surprised me. "Well, there were only two choices, dancing, or life orientation, and I cannot see myself struggling with a crying doll, so I danced, and of course, I know you are one of the best dancers there are... but of course. I cannot do ballet, so maybe close dancing... anything related to dancing..., please say you will help me, Evevy?"


Nicknames? When did we reach that stage? How can he say that dancing is my dream, in any case? So, he notices me... my cheeks must be as red as tomatoes by this point; I lower my head and let my hair cover my cheekbones. The freckles on my nose must pinch at this point. "All right... when do you want to... uhm... start?"

I peek at his half smile "Thank...." It almost sounds like a scream, he gargles his voice, and I can hear the excitement filling his unmistakable voice. "Uhm... thank you, Eve, I think it would be best after practice" I glance at Ray, his shocked face almost makes me want to burst out in laughter, but Chann would think I am crazy for laughing about nothing.

"Okay..." He takes his stand and shoots me a thumbs up. "Thanks" "What just happened?" I peek at Chann, walking back to his group of friends; I want to scream with excitement...

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