The Sisters tells All

Start from the beginning

"Alright I guess I'll go first since this is my house." Dorinda said as she stood up pacing not sure if she should tell, Karen. But she knew she had too and she wasn't about to hide anything from her nor sugarcoat anything at all. She just hoped that Karen was on top of her medication and was prepared to hear everything because she was going to get this thing done with-within a day unlike how they handled, Karen's situation. It took them three damn days to have that conversation and in between those three days it felt like the sisters really couldn't take no more. But it had to be done so, they decided to suck it up.

"When we found out that you first left we were extremely worried about you. In fact we were worried sick about you." Dorinda said starting off calmly as she had her arms folded since she was still tense from the prior conversation that they had about Karen telling her full truth. "We couldn't sleep for weeks worrying about where you were." Dorinda said trying to remain calm as she thought back to the first day that Karen had left. "Me, Drew, and Jacky all went out to search for you. We split up we looked in places we thought you would be and where we thought you wouldn't go too. I even went to strip club just to see if you were there and fought some of them girls in there because I knew them girls be lying and I had to make sure that you weren't in there because I was going to drag you back home whether you liked it or not." Dorinda said staring straight at Karen as she tried to look away feeling a tad bit embarrassed.

"Had us filing police reports on you like you were a missing person and the Detroit Police looked at us like we were crazy." Dorinda said remembering how they came in there and how she yelled at them. "That was so embarrassing to find out that you really did just skip town. I hated that shit that they were right." Dorinda said, "Before y'all say anything I know you weren't in your right mind. But still the whole purpose of you leaving was you basically needing to get away or trying to run away and they all said that shit." Dorinda gritted her teeth. "And I ain't wanna believe them either." Dorinda told her.

"Twinkie stayed at your house with Kierra who cried non-stop for you. She wouldn't even go to Drew as she normally would if she had too if you were stuck at the church or studio." Dorinda said, remembering when they came back to her house, Twinkie finally had their young niece at the time asleep in her arms. "Chilee she cried if I tried to put her down. I had to wait until they came back to put her in the bed." Twinkie said cutting in while Dorinda was taking a breath. "Kierra was like mute for a whole week because you left. You traumatized the girl." Twinkie said, with her head in her hand. "She was so clingy especially towards me and Dorinda." Twinkie said, "But mainly towards me though." Twinkie told Karen and Dorinda agreed backing her up.

"Had all of us crying because you left including me that shit hurt, Karen and y'all know I don't cry." Dorinda said and Jacky agreed with her. As Karen was listening she felt terrible. She was just glad she took her medicine before she came so, half of her feelings would at least be numb. "But Kierra took it the hardest because she really needed you." Dorinda softly told her. "When you found out she started cutting that wasn't her first time." Dorinda said turning back around to her baby sister and Karen looked shocked.

"Huh?" Karen quietly asked almost as if she was confused. "She didn't start cutting after you left. She started when she was about 14 maybe because some girls were picking on her about her weight." Dorinda said, "At least that's what she told us. But the real reason was that it was because you left." Dorinda said trying to say it in a way that didn't blame her baby sister for the reason that Kierra started to cut. "But them girls were bullying her about her weight. I had to cuss out their parents for doing that to get them too stop threatened them with an NDA that they had to sign before I had that lil meetin' with em."

"She really thought it was her fault that you left for some ridiculous reason. She really doesn't remembering having a tantrum that much or crying as much as she did when we had asked her if she remembered anything about you leaving." Dorinda said, "It was like her memory of you was almost fading away if you didn't come back when you did." Dorinda told her, "And once again I was the one that found out she started cutting after I saw the marks on her arm wearing hot jackets in 95 degree whether in Detroit. I knew something was up especially when J.Drew found the broken razors in her room of what she tried to hide." Dorinda said, "I know we always scolded, J.Drew for being nosy and for snooping around in her sisters room but I'm glad he did it that day or else we really never would've known." Dorinda said and she watched how, Karen's eyes slowly got red.

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