{Ouma on the roof.}

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I wrote this late at night (bc sad boy hours)

The Inspo was this song on a weird core playlist I like (the link is above)

I hope you enjoy :)

Ouma POV

          It's one of those nights. The ones where i didnt want to be alone, the ones where you sneak out late at night to look at the stars, The ones where you sit on the roof, That's exactly what this night is. Sometimes, I have someone with me, but not this time. That's fine. I shivered under my breath at the sudden chill. It's been somewhat warm out lately, how odd. I buried my earbuds back in my ears. I turned it down a bit not realizing how loud it was. How lonely... I scooted up a bit.

      ....Sometimes I wonder if we're never really going to get out of here. Is this really how I die? Am I really going to die in this hell hole? I sighed and replayed the song. I looked over to the entrance of the roof, a large window..

         ...Should I go back in? Everyone is looking for me.

      I returned to my previous position.

         ....... No, someone will find me eventually.

       I laid down.




               I heard a loud and muffled voice through the blaring of my earbuds. I removed one. "-YOU ARE!! WHAT MAKES YOU THINK YOU CAN JUST UP AND LEAVE!? WE WERE SO WORRIED ABOUT YOU!" I realize that I'm not pretending right now, but what's the point? "Okay... And?" My voice sounds raspy, and quiet, odd. I shut my eyes in irritation "I'm busy Momota. Bother someone else."

     "Bother... Someone else!? WE WERE LOOKING FOR YOU FOR 3 HOURS!"

     "I don't care." I feel numb. "Why does it matter to you?" He huffed. "WE---- We---" I looked up at him. "We thought you died. Don't EVER do that again. Understood?" I closed my eyes. "Yeah whatever."

     He doesn't actually care about me. How could he? We've only known each other for 6 months..

       "........What are you even doing up here..?" He sighed and sat down next to me. ".....I wanted to forget about earlier.. And later I tried to go to bed, but I couldn't and now I'm here.. What about you?" I looked back up. "I was looking for you... Little gremlin.." I chuckled a little at the last part, in which he muttered under his breath. "....Do you know what time it is?" I looked at him. "It's like,, 2 am?" He nodded. "Do you..... Want to go back inside?" I looked away. "Honestly, no." He sighed. "Okay,, But can I tell everyone that I found you?" I shook my head. "....Okay." There was a moment of silence, it was comfortable. ".......This is the most sincere i've ever seen you, it's almost uncharacteristic of you" He chuckled quietly.

    I inhaled a little. "Don't tell anyone." I chuckled. The silence reoccurred, but this time it seemed like there was a burning question.. I looked at his face again. It sure looks like it. I sighed. "What's your question?" He looked shocked. "How did you-"

     "You always have that stupid look on your face. You only get one. No more, no less."

     "Why are you so secretive? And-"

      "Only one." He nodded. "Sorry" He pouted and looked at the sky. I sighed. "...........I don't want to be vulnerable. It's not safe." There's more to it, but i don't- "There's more isn't there.." ........This is the dumbest mistake I'm ever going to make. ".........I have bad luck with the people i'm close to. They always die or betray me. No inbetween."

"And that's why you distance yourself?" I nodded slowly. "...How do you do it?.....How lone-" I cut him off. "Only one."

   "Yeah yeah yeah" The air cleared of the questions somewhat. God, I'm so tired. Did I sleep last night? Or was that the other night? Wait.. Or was that like? A couple days ago? "You look so tired." I yawned. "I hate to admit it but yeah. Mind reader." My voice seemed to get quieter. "We should go to bed then." I nodded.

-Times skip-- They went to the dorms and said goodnight,, neither of them could sleep -

     I was staring at the wall and and suddenly there was a small knock at my door.

..... Who's awake at 3:30 in the morning? I opened a smidge "Hello?" I croaked. "Hey.. Its Momota." ....Oh.. I opened the door "......Why are you up??" He awkwardly scratched the back of his neck. "I just am..? Can.... I sleep in here??" I sighed.... "One second.." I closed my door and rolled my whiteboard into its 'hidey hole'. I returned to my door and let him in. "Come in."

     "Thank you so much.." He walked in, I closed it and locked it behind us. "There's enough room on the bed for both of us, don't worry about it." I curled up in bed, attempting to take up as little space as possible. "Ah--- okay.." I felt him sit on the bed.

-A couple minutes later-     He finally laid on the bed. He ruffled my hair and whispered goodnight. His warmth is radiating off of him. I know what I want, BUT I CAN'T HAVE IT. STOP CRAVING AFFECTION. MY GOD. I shivered a little. OH FUCK. "Ouma..? Are you cold..?" He grumbled in a concerned manner. SHIT. I stiffened, I stared at the wall with wide eyes. "Here.." I felt him press his body next to mine. AFFECTIONATELY. FUCK. SHIT. WHY IS HOT HERE IN. He proceeded to hold me. Ah. Yes. The one thing I was mind begging for like- a minute ago. Lovely.

   ..... Actually this is really nice. I felt myself get comfortable in his arms. I lifted my head so he wasn't awkwardly bending his right arm behind my head. He moved it and i layed back down. For the first time in a while, I slept comfortably.


Its just a cute and short fluffy story for today :) Byeeee

Word count: 960

Character count: 5,100

The roof. {Oumota} {Oneshot}Where stories live. Discover now