Chapter 8 - Afterschool

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TW: Swearing


As I stepped down the school's front steps, I took in a nice deep breath of fresh air. It was nice to finally be done with school, especially getting away from all the kids staring at me. But that's what people do, right? Everyone stares at everyone. I started walking towards Cara's house. It really wasn't that far away, and it was a nice walk. With many trees, flowers, and beautiful homes. I didn't notice everything on the way to school because I had been in such a rush to get there. As I arrived at Cara's house, I only stumbled a bit when going up the front steps. I was having a hard time going up and down stairs. I don't think I've ever encountered stairs before. But I was slowly getting better. Sometimes I'd go up and down the stairs up to my room so that I could get used to them.

I slowly pressed the button on the door and pushed it open. It didn't look like anyone was there. I decided to go upstairs to my room and do "homework." I think it's just work you do at home. Like, extra school. I threw my bag on the ground and flopped on my bed. My one shoulder was sore from having to carry all my backpack weight. I couldn't wear both straps because, on my other shoulder, I had a big bruise. If I put weight on it, it would hurt a lot. It felt nice to lay down finally. I just laid there for about ten minutes before I heard someone arrive home. It was either Noah or Cara. I was hoping it was Cara because I was enjoying the quiet house. Noah constantly blasted his TV on full volume, which drove me crazy. But to my displeasure, I heard the familiar sound of the TV turning on. I grumbled as I got up and grabbed my backpack to start doing some work.

After about thirty minutes, I decided to give up. I didn't know how to do half this stuff. Like, I had to read a packet and write down answers, but the paper just looked like it had a ton of scribbles on it. I got up and decided to go grab food from the kitchen. I sighed and left the work on the floor where I had been doing it. I hadn't eaten much since I got here, and I never felt like I should. Like if I did, Cara would yell at me. But she also yelled at me for not eating. My mind was always divided. I usually just ate simple things like apples or carrots or something, but apparently, that wasn't enough. I stepped down the stairs one by one and made it to the bottom without stumbling. I stepped into the kitchen and took a quick look into the living room where Noah was. It looked like he had a friend over, but I decided to ignore them. I didn't want him to yell at me. As I looked around the kitchen, I didn't see much to my interest. That was until I went over to the other side of the counter and found these- Bread? They were like- rounded on the top and had blue specks in them. I was curious and decided to grab one out of the plastic container. I ripped part of it off and ate it. It was delicious. I decided to sit down in the kitchen as I ate it. Afterward, I threw the paper piece that was left into the trash and walked into the living room. Noah was playing his block-game again.

"Hey- Uhm, Noah. Could you please.. please turn down your game?"


I glanced over near the kitchen as I heard the quiet voice. I was expecting to see Puffy (A funny nickname we gave Noah's mom,) But instead, I saw someone I didn't expect at all.

"Darryl?" I said in a shocked voice, looking directly at him

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"Darryl?" I said in a shocked voice, looking directly at him. He was standing in his hoodie, shifting his weight from side to side.

"Oh my god. I thought I said for you to stay in your room and not bother me." Noah hissed.

"I'm sorry- I just was trying to do work, and I couldn't- couldn't focus because of your game." He looked down to the floor.

"I'm sorry- We can turn it dow-"

"No. Go back to your room. Just suck it up." He yelled.

Darryl's eyes filled with tears as he ran up the stairs.

"Bro, what the hell is wrong with you lately?" I put my remote on the couch and stood up.

"Why does it matter. He's just some kid that my mom is having stay here for the money; He'll be kicked out in a month when he turns 18." He snicked.

I stepped back from him.

"So that's like all he is? You're treating him like a toy- He's a living person!" I screamed at him, furious with the way he's acting.

"I bet you haven't even talked to him! He's probably been through some traumatic shit, and your just making it worse for him!"

The house went silent. Noah looked at me with a shocked and angry expression.

"Now, if you need me, I'll be upstairs with Darryl." I turned around and started to head up the stairs.

"Zak, I swear to fucking god if you go up those stairs, I'm not going to be your friend, and I'm definitely not bringing you to my house anymore!" He stood up and yelled.

"Great, you won't have to. Darryl will." I grinned at him before running up the stairs. I listened to the muffled crying coming from the first door up the stairs. I knocked before cracking the door open to see Darryl lying on the bed, tears streaming down his face.

"Darryl, I'm so sorry." I looked to the floor before shutting the door and sitting on the bed next to him.

"I don't understand. I had always imagined people would be nice to me after I got out. But- But I guess I was wrong." He could barely speak through his sobbing; I wasn't sure what he meant by "After I got out," but I assume he was treated poorly in his past. Tears started to fill my eyes as well.

"Listen, it's okay. Come here." I patted right next to me, and he sat up and scooted next to me. I reached over and gently hugged him. He was so frail in my arms. He rested his head on my shoulder and cried. I gently rubbed his back. I felt horrible how could anyone treat another human like this? Tears started falling down my face. Even though I had just met him this morning, I knew I had to protect Darryl with my life.

(I drew a picture for this chapter! It was inspired by Jealousy kills by ckayexists - It's not the best, especially since I drew it in school haha - but if you want I can do it more often!)

Escape from Abuse - SkephaloTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon