The War over MARIA

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Maria the Hedgehog was laying in the beautiful and peaceful flower garden. Just chillaxing. After all. Anyone would like to take a little nap after spending all day with someone like Julian. I mean Eggman. 

Maria: Ah... What a beautiful and peaceful day... Ah... What a-

Sonic: MARIA!!!!!!!

Maria: Sonic? 

Sonic the blue blur came running out of a random forest looking panicy. 

Sonic: Maria... 

Maria: Sonic?

Sonic: MaRIaaaa.... 

Maria: Sonic? What's wr-

Sonic: Ma- Ma- Maaaaria...

Maria: Sonic what's wrong?

Sonic: Sh- Sh... Sh... Maria! 

Maria; What!? 

Sonic: Sh- Sh- *smacks himself in the face* Shadow and Gadget are fighting in a battle to the death! 

Maria: What!? Why!? 

Sonic: They're fighting over you! 

Maria; WHAT!!!!!!????? Where are they!?


The space colony ark. 

Tails: This is Miles Tails Prower the commentator LIVE in front of the legendary war over MARIA. Who will triumph? And what are the 2 contestants doing now? 

Shadow: *glare* 

Gadget: *deep stare* 

Shadow: *lifts an eyebrow* 

Gadget: *pogs* 

Shadow: *does a handstand* 

Gadget: *handstand with one hand* 

Shadow: *Headstand* 

Gadget: *nose stand* 

Shadow: *tongue stand* 

Gadget: *eye lid stand* 

Shadow and Gadget: *stays still* 

Shadow: Ok... This was a mistake!

Gadget: Yup... What now!? 

Shadow: Um... First to fall loses? 

Gadget: You're on! 

Tails: It seems we have our first match. Who will win this glorious battle that is very glorious. And whoever wins shall be known as glorious. And win the MARIA which as we all know is... *reads note card* ...GLORIOUS!!!!!

Echo echo echo echo 

Shadow and Gadget: Whoa whoa WHOA!!!!! *fall over* 

Tails: AND ITS A TIE!!!!!!!

Shadow in head; DAMN FOURTH CHAOS EMERALD. This is gonna be tougher than I thought. Looks like Gadget would risk his life to get a MARIA. 

Gadget in head: Looks like Shadow isn't gonna let me get a MARIA that easily. Well DAMN FOURTH CHAOS EMERALD me but I ain't quiting that easily. 

Shadow and Gadget: Next round! 


Tails brought out some instruments. 

Gadget: *grabs guitar* Hehe... I'm a musician. 

Shadow: *grabs mic* We'll see who's the musician when I win. 

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