Dobbys warning

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[Harry and Yn go upstairs as the doorbell rings.]

Vernon: [from below] Mr. and Mrs. Mason! Do
come in!

[Harry and Yn hear someone laughing madly in there room. She opens the door to find, a house elf named Dobby bouncing on harrys bed.]

Dobby: Yn Potter! Such an honor it is! [Harry closes the door as Yn slowly walks over to Dobby.]

Yn: Who are you?

Dobby: Dobby Miss, Dobby the house elf.

Harry: Not to be to be rude or anything,

Yn: but this isn't a great time for us to have a house elf in our bedroom.

Dobby: Oh, oh, yes, miss! Dobby understands! It's just that, Dobby has come to tell you- it is difficult, miss- Dobby wonders where to begin?

Yn: Why don't you sit down?

Dobby: S-sit down? S-sit- sit down? [he soon begins to cry]

Harry: Dobby, ssh! She's sorry! [Dobby cries louder]

Yn: I didn't mean to offend you, or anything.

Dobby: [stops crying when he hears that word] Offend Dobby? Dobby has heard of your greatness, miss, but never has he been asked to sit down by a wizard, like an equal.

Yn: You can't have met many decent wizards then.

Dobby: No, I haven't. That was an awful thing to say. [he then bangs his head on the dresser drawer repeatedly] Bad Dobby! Bad Dobby! Bad Dobby!

Harry: Stop, Dobby! Dobby, shh!

Yn: Dobby, please stop!

[From downstairs in the living room, the Dursleys and the Masons are having some wine as they hear the banging from above.]

Vernon: Oh, don't mind that. It's just the... cat!

[he chuckles lightly, as Mr. and Mrs. Mason look on, being convinced and concerned at the same time.]

Dobby: [still banging his head on the drawer] Bad Dobby!

Harry: Dobby, stop! Please be quiet.

Yn:Are you all right?

Dobby: Dobby had to punish himself, miss. [pushes a stool closer to Yn] Dobby almost spoke ill of his family, miss.

Harry: Your family?
[harry says from behind you]

Dobby: The wizard family Dobby serves, sir. [gets up and sits on the stool] Dobby is bound to serve one family forever. If they knew Dobby was here... [shivers] But Dobby had to come. Dobby has to protect Yn Potter. To warn her. Yn Potter must not go back to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry this year. [Harry looks at Yn in surprise] There is a plot, a plot to make most terrible things happen.

Yn: What terrible things? Who's plotting them?

Dobby: [trying to resist himself from saying something] Oh, he! Can't say!

Harry: Okay, We understand. You can't say.

Dobby: Don't make me talk. L-- [Dobby gets on the desk, grabs the lamp and hits himself with it.] Bad Dobby!

Yn: Dobby? Dobby, put the lamp down.

[he keeps hitting himself, in the living room, Vernon is still doing his conversation with the Masons.]

Vernon: So, when they arrive at the ninth hole--

[Dobby's shout is heard, Vernon hears it upstairs while looking suspicious.]

Harry: [trying to grab the lamp from Dobby] Give me the lamp!
[Dobby keeps straining until Yn hears Vernon coming upstairs]

Yn: Dobby, stop! [she grabs the lamp from Dobby, grabs his rags, hides him in the closet, and closes the door] Get in there and keep quiet!

Vernon: [opening the door, stomping into the room, and glaring at Yn] What the devil are you doing up here?!

Harry: We we're just... [Dobby slowly opens the closet door; Yn pushes it closed]

Vernon: You've just ruined the punchline of my Japanese golfer joke.

Yn: Sorry. [closes the closet door again]

Vernon: [glances at the closet door, unaware of Dobby's presence, then lifts his finger as he turns his eyes back to Harry] One more sound, and you'll wish you'd never been born girl. [sees the closet door opening again] And fix that door.

Yn: [closing the door again] Yes, sir.

[Vernon glares at Harry and Yn as he walks out of the room, pulling the door closed; with Vernon gone, Yn opens the closet door to let Dobby out] See why I've got to go back? [Dobby removes a sock from his ear] I don't belong here; I belong in your world, at Hogwarts. [Dobby sniffs the sock and throws it aside and turns to Yn] It's the only place I've got friends.

Harry: [what I'm

Dobby: Friends who don't even write to Yn and harry Potter?

Harry: Well, I expect they've been--

Yn:hang on, how do you know our friends haven't been writing me?

Dobby: Yn Potter mustn't be angry with Dobby. Dobby hoped if Yn Potter thought her friends had forgotten her, Yn Potter might not want to go back to school, miss...and you would make harry stay with you as well [says while taking out the letters]

Yn: Give me those. Now.

Dobby: No!

Yn: Dobby, get back here!

Harry: Dobby... Please... No

Dobby: Yn potter must say shes not going back to school.

Yn: I can't. Hogwarts is my home.

Dobby: Then Dobby must do it, miss. For Yn Potter's own good.

[Dobby clicks his fingers and the cake starts to float over to mrs masons head and Yn runs and puts her hands next to it as it falls]

Vernon: I'm sorry. It's our niece. Very disturbed. Meeting strangers upsets her, so we kept her upstairs...

[harry stood at the door frozen and he knows Yn's in to deep]

Yn potter and Neville Longbottom book two Where stories live. Discover now