Love you chapter 2

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The next day at school I find out there is a new student, the jogging girl.

Her name is Melissa Morgen.

I glare at her because I have such a good view of Adam looking lovingly at her.

Our history teacher makes Melissa introduce herself.  

"Hi I am Melissa." She states with an over peppy attatude .

"I am a brilliant tap, hip hop and ballet dancer and I was Prom Queen at my old school."

I roll my eyes, wow. She comes and sits down next to me and smiles.  What am I supposed to say to her. "Hi I am Daniella, I don't dance and I think Prom is overated."

Melissa is not Adams usual type, but he seems to realy like her. Sigh...

She grins at Adam who is sitting on my other side and suddenly they are passing notes and whispering over my head. Its torture.

I try and pay attention to my teacher drawl on about World War II but its so hard with them passing notes behind my back.

During break all Adam would talk about was Melissa, Arg!!!!

"Melissa is a cheerleader. Melissa likes chick flicks. Melissa is so funny. Melissa this, Melissa that, bla, bla, bla."  I stop listening and dream about him kissing me.

"Isn't that great?"

"What, oh yeah."

"I cant belive, she broke up with her boyfriend, so shes single!"

"Great" I say with a fake over friendly smile.

"I know, shes perfect!" He says and sighs with a daydreamy look on his face.

I look around and fiddle with my hair, bored with this conversation. Not that he would notice, he is off in Melissa Land.

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