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the ten-year-old girl sat there in silence. the car engine was still running and it was quite possible to make out the muffled idle chatter from the adoption centre outside. was it that she wasn't getting adopted but in fact, being transferred to a different establishment? the thought of it was not exactly hopeful yet who was she to expect more. that'd be completely ungrateful.

the voices began to get closer to the car but she didn't dare raise her head continuing to look at her hands that fidgeted in her lap. the backdoor across from her opened. curious, she side-eyed the figure that took a seat next to her.

she was confused. unable to comprehend the abnormal behavior displayed by the two adults that sat in front.

"all alright then, how about we save proper introductions until we arrive home. sounds okay?" the voice chirped from the driver's seat.

"sounds like a plan!" the other added from the passenger seat in front.

neither she nor the boy spoke up after that.

though she'd occasionally peek at the male. he must've realized that long ago but said nothing about it unsure how to handle the situation. on top of which his thoughts appeared to be elsewhere.


it didn't take much longer for the group to arrive at a house. one that seemed to have a car parked in the driveway of it, to be frank. along with a young woman waiting eagerly at the doorstep.

"we're here." hummed the person from the passenger seat upfront. the words followed with the noise of seat belts unbuckling and shuffling around from within the car.

not long after you found yourself in the living room of the house surrounded by all four other faces. it was your first time getting a proper look at the unfamiliar faces, and the blanks in your head you had for each of them seemed to vanish being replaced by each proper face.

the room consisted of two extremely pretty women, one had long dark brown hair, fair skin, and freckles scattered all over her face complimented by a big loving smile. she was the lady who greeted you all at the door, as for the other woman; she appeared to have black hair cut in a bob, a birthmark under her right eye, and darker skin.

a slightly younger-looking male grabbed your attention next from the group but for different reasons. he was who had seemed to have been driving the car. his hair was bleached blonde and his presence was almost unnoticeable. the only thing that stood out about him was the tattoo that sat on his left arm. everything else was bland.

as for the mysterious other boy who got picked up from the other adoption centre. you couldn't describe him even if you tried to. on top of everything, he appeared to be completely out of it. the face you noticed on the trip home stuck on his face even now.

"i guess we should explain ourselves to save you two kids from any confusion you may have right now." one of the women mused with a small chuckle.

"my name is lani, and this is my older brother oliver and wife mei. the reason that oliver went with mei instead of me is that our current laws state that same-sex couples cannot adopt so we worked around the whole situation with fake legal documents that state oliver and mei are married instead of the contrary." the brunette explained.

"don't you think they're more confused on why they were both adopted or why it was from different places." the male added raising a brow to his sister.

"oh! that! well, adopting you both from different places meant less investigation on us and our personal life and we thought that would've been better for us. i'm sorry that it's not as convenient for the two of you." she continued with a small frown plastered along her face.

"how about you two introduce yourselves so we can fix the dull mood." the other woman suggested.

your lip quivered for a minute or two. you didn't exactly know what to make of the situation. you tried, and tried but couldn't seem to say anything. because of which you found yourself looking at your feet like in the car.

"my name is kakucho." the male's words were bland, maybe even cold. he came off as completely unapproachable. intimidating would be an understatement to it. you knew that the two women who would soon enough be announced as your parents already knew that so this 'introduction' was for you.

it took you another few minutes of silence to properly announce yourself. "i'm y/n." the words fell from your mouth in a mumble still unable to look up from the ground. it was a lot more meek and timid. you still hadn't accepted the situation for what it was.

it didn't take long for you to realize that the boy didn't mean to come off so harshly. it was a matter of a lack of trust he seemed to have. though, that didn't mean you'd out him on the flaw he had. slowly, but surely you managed to look at everyone around you when speaking up. but you never seemed to find it comfortable directly looking into anyone's eyes.

you were given a bedroom along with a small pile of clothes, a stuffed animal, and hygienic products like a toothbrush, hairbrush, and so on.

it took a few days but, you slowly but surely began opening up to the idea of this whole situation. kakucho needed more time than you did. along with the reassurance of being able to frequently visit his friend who he considered his brother.

and that was how it first came to be.

❝ a sister, he held dear. 🢝 tokyo revengersWhere stories live. Discover now