11 - Sharpened words

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"A Sutputri has no place in these meetings," muttered Drona, eyes filled with contempt. 

"Yet one word from this Sutputri could easily have you in troubles with the Kuru Maharaja Dhritarashtra," said a vicious voice.

 Everyone looked towards the entrance to notice the Yuvarani of Hastinapura standing there with contempt filled look. 

Bhanumati glided towards where everyone has sat, surprising everyone other than Duryodhana, when she bend to touch Ira's feet, "Bless me, Jiji."

"Akhanda Saubhagyavati bhava!" blessed Ira, a smirk playing on her lips.

Bhanumati had arrived just when she was about to snap back at Drona for his words. Her husband may have been unresponsive about such crude comments, but she wasn't.

"My apologies," said Bhanumati, her nonchalant tone addressing Ira, "I arrived a bit late. I got delayed."

"You're perfectly on time, my sister. What had you delayed?"

" A letter. It was for you. I read it, I hope you don't mind."

Ira gave an indulgent smile, "When have I got offended for such petty matter, my dear Bhanu? But do tell! What brings such a bright smile on your face? Surely, it's not the letter."

"It is the letter, Jiji," said Bhanumati, as she gave a excited smile to both Duryodhana and Ira, both of whom exchanged a confused glance. She continued, "Jiji, Pallavi is returning!"

"Our Pallavi is returning?!" said an astonished Duryodhana, his eyes wide, "My darling daughter is returning?"

"Yes, nātha," said Bhanumati, "Devi Dhar-" 

Ira gave a sharp cough as she gave an indication towards their unwanted guests. She did not want people know yet. SuyodhanaPreyasī had not noticed the interested and fascinated looks of their audience, specially the calculative look of the Dwarkadeesh.

 Bhanumati gave her a sheepish glance, before continuing, "Devi said that she had finished her education and had already started her journey. She would be reaching here any day, Jiji!"

Duryodhana had a bright smile on his face, his expressive dark orbs showed his immense joy at the news delivered by his beloved wife. 

"Today must be an auspicious day," whispered Duryodhana with a cheerful smile, "I have been receiving good news from Pratahkalah(morning)."

"I believe we have diverted from the main topic of discussion," said Ira, bringing everyone's focus back to matter in hand, "Shall we discuss the reason behind our gathering here?"

Yuddhisthira glanced at the female who silenced her two companions. She easily brought their focus and attention to an important matter with a simple statement. For a first time in his life he had seen genuine respect, blind love and profound care in the behaviour and eyes of Dhr̥tarāṣṭrasuta. He had never seen such gaze directed to any of them. He was unsure whether such gazes was ever directed towards his own blood brothers. 

He dispelled his wandering thoughts as he replied to the Maharani of Anga, "Indeed. We have no qualms in stopping the war granted that our conditions are fulfilled."

"Interesting," said Ira thoughtfully, her eyes held a mocking look. 

Just as Duryodhana had assumed previously, Bhishma ordered, "Duryodhana, I will not tolerate your behavior any longer! You will do as I say or face my wrath."

Ira's blood boiled at the way the Grandsire of Kuru clan spoke. With a bare thread of self-control, she watched as Suyodhana's face turned emotionless. The eyes which expressed happiness moments ago, turned desolate. She noticed the smirks of Panduputro Bhimsena and Nakula. Kaunteya Arjuna and Madreya Sahadeva seemed pleased as well. 

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