4 - Makings of a Plan.

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Ira gave her dearest husband a pointed glance, "She is?"

"Rajkumari Uttara, Matsya's Princess and Abhimanyu's wife," rattled off Karna, while continuing his pacing. 

He had taken the initiative to move Laxman in the inner chambers, which substituted as his bedroom when the Ira was consoling his niece-in-law, not that she knew she was related to him. He had no plans in informing her either. 

If only he knew how wrong he would turn out to be, then perhaps, he wouldn't have jinxed it.

'If I wanted to kill him," he thought irritably, "I would have done that in that blasted Chakravyuh! O Suryanaryan! What was Duryodhana thinking? Why isn't he here yet?"

While such thoughts went through his head, Ira watched her husband, who was also her childhood friend pace the length of the space available with an irritable look. She had a feeling he got offended by Uttara's assumption.

She went towards an unconscious Laxmana, gently lifting his head to properly place the pillow. She said while adjusting his posture and blankets, "Well, Uttara happens to be pregnant." She ignored Karna's wide eyes, "At least an unborn child would know his father. You did a good thing, Vaikartana. What is your next plan?"

"Duryodhana hasn't come yet to ask any reason," He muttered in a melancholic voice as he sat on the edge of the bed.

"Does he know Laxman is alive?" 

"No," Karna shook his head, "He did not see me take Laxman."

"Have you thought to stop the war?" She asked as she came to stand in front of him. 

He pulled her in between his legs, wrapping his arms around her waist in a semblance of a hug. She gently combed her nimble fingers on his long dark locks as she rested her cheek on his head.

"I have," he mumbled after a while, still keeping her in an embrace. She did not deny him the comfort he sought out, rather she tightened her arms around him.

"Haven't planed through, have you?" said Ira with a knowing chuckle, "Behaved impulsively, didn't you?"

"I told you I created a mess!" He pouted like a child, as he looked up to meet her amused eyes. Her lips pulled itself in an instinctive smile, "So, should I tidy it up?"

"I suppose, like always," said Karna, as he let her go finally but at the next moment bought her to sit beside him. Ira let him lead her, as she repeated, "Like always."

His eyes turned serious as he shifted to face her, "Satya, what do you think I should do now? I suppose Bhishma could stop the war, but why would he listen to me? And I don't understand why Duryodhana hasn't come yet demanding answers!"

"You are completely ruling out Dronacharya?" 

He raised an eyebrow in question, "Do you really think that Brahmin would listen to me?" 

Ira nodded negatively, "What chance is there in Mahamahim listening to you?"

"Not much," snorted Karna, before he shook his head, "I did not think this through, did I?"

"No you didn't," said Ira, her eyes thoughtful, "But what you did was worth all these thoughts. Alright, how about instead of you, it's me who goes to Mahamahim?"

"No Satya!" He shook his head resolutely, "I don't want you to choose to go in the spotlight because of my mess."

He yelped when she hit him on the head, "Vrisha, have you forgotten that we are married? Your mess happens to be my mess too."

"Kshama priye," He said sheepishly, before asking, "Are you sure?"

"Yes," nodded Ira, as she glanced at her hands dyed with mahavar (red dye) yet were devoid in any jewellery. She exhaled, before determined eyes met Karna's understanding ones, "I will speak with him and I have an idea to stop the war. You may not like it though."

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