Be quiet, she is asleep - Azriel

Start from the beginning

Y/N: "You always have something to do or somewhere to go these days when it comes to me! Do you know when the last time we spent time together was? Three months ago! Three fucking months!" 

I see Elain's shocked expression at my words, I'm not usually the type of person to use language like that, but this time I'm really angry and pained like I've never been in my life.
Azriel: "Oh please, I've been a little busy! What, you're not the center of attention anymore and you're not okay with that?" 

Y/N: "Is that how you think, that I'm a stupid spoiled child? Not that I miss spending time with my best friend?"- I scream, crying, getting up from the chair, going to stand in front of him, pointing my chest at him, while he stares at me, from above . 

Azriel: "I already told you that I was busy, and that's why I couldn't do something with you!" 

Y/N: "You have time for the others though! The other night you go out with Mor, or dinner with Nesta and Cassian last week, or now here with Elain! You think I don't know what you do! While I'm alone, in my room, wondering why you avoid me, drowning in my loneliness! You are such a bastard Azriel!"- I reply to the shadowsinger, only to leave the room, and the house, to find myself running down the streets of Velaris. I hear Elain try to stop me, but it's too late. 

After a couple of hours wandering around I decide to head up one of the mountains near the cities, confident that I can spend some time alone there without running into one of my friends. The trail is poorly marked in the woods, and soon I am lost in the darkness in that forest. The climb is somewhat steep, and I struggle at times to climb, but each time I find myself moving forward after a new wave of anger assaults my mind. 
I come to a point that is covered by rocks and crumbly, but my stubbornness keeps me going. As I take my first steps on those rocks, however, I find myself putting my foot wrong, and before I can figure out what's going on, I fall and slip on the ledge below, on the shrubs. I found myself rolling down the slope for a while because it had risen a lot, when finally in a clearing a little larger than the others I managed to stop. My body is all achy. I can taste the blood on my lips, while my ankle is throbbing painfully, and I realize that I probably broke it. I wait a few minutes and try to get up, but I can't, so I leave it alone, and start thinking that it's not important that I can get up, maybe it's better this way, maybe I'm just a burden to my friends and they are probably having fun right now, and they are certainly not thinking about me. Just before I lose consciousness, I see a man, or rather an Illyrian, with his armor shining red, leaning next to me. I can't make out what he's saying to me, but just before I pass out, I feel him take me in his arms. Then darkness.

I wake up in my room, after what seems like several hours. I try with difficulty to look out the window, the curtains are closed, but I can still tell it's nighttime. Then I hear voices, which I recognize to be those of Az, Cass and Nesta. 

Nesta: "You're an idiot Azriel, and thank me that I'm kind, because I could have used a lot worse." 

Cassian: "Nes is right brother, but where do you get off saying such things! After all you've done in three months, avoiding her! Damn you are so stupid." 

Azriel: "You think I don't know that! When I saw her walk out that damn door I felt like a monster, more than I already am." 

It hurts me to hear those words. As angry as I am at him, the fact remains that I love him, and I don't want to see him hurt. I hear the three of them talk for a while longer, but I'm too tired to follow their conversation, so I close my eyes and try to sleep, but after a few minutes I hear someone open the door and enter my room. The only thing that can be heard is the sound of footsteps and the breathing of the person who just entered. I continue to pretend to be asleep when I hear the person take a seat in the chair next to me. I only realize who it is when he starts talking. 

Azriel: "I'm sorry Y/N/N. I never meant to hurt you, I care about you so much, and the only thing I want for you is for you to be happy, and to feel loved, like you deserve. You probably won't hear anything I'm saying, and I'll say it again tomorrow, but I need to tell you even now, as the guilt is eating me alive. I'm a monster for what I've said and what I've done these past three months. I don't know why I said those things to you before. I-I"-I hear him sobbing, and I imagine the tears running down the lightly tanned skin of his cheeks. Azriel rarely cries, at least in front of other people. The last time I had seen him cry was at the funeral of Rhys's sister and mother.

Azriel: "I walked away because I was scared. Three months ago, during family dinner, I was watching you. You were beautiful, as always, and as I stood there admiring you I felt something explode in my chest. The connection clicked. And I was scared. At first because I didn't know how to react, so I thought getting away from you would be the best thing, then instead I was afraid that I might hurt you, that my work might hurt you, the only thing that I want is to protect you love, nothing else . I love you Y/N, and I have never done anything with the intention of hurting you. Being away from you made me feel bad, but knowing that I hurt you makes me feel even worse. How could you think that I don’t care about you? It’s like I don’t care about my entire world, it’s like saying that I don’t care about my own life, my own breath, my own soul. You are the reason why I live every single moment of my life, how could I not care about you? Please forgive me my love ."- ends the boy crying, lightly stroking my face, moving my hair behind my ear.

I can't hold myself anymore and I open my eyes. The sight before my eyes breaks my heart. The shadowsinger is sitting in the chair, his cheeks streaked with numerous tears, his eyes red, and his hair ruffled as if he had tried several times to pull it out. 
I look at him, and as I start to cry too under those confused and scared eyes that I'm awake, I tell him. 

Y/N: “You stupid bat, I obviously love you too. And I forgive you, I understand why you have done it, but it is still the fact that I don’t like it. I would have preferred that you told me that, and we would have found a way, you idiot. But I don’t want to think about the past anymore, we have both suffered enough.”- I say, taking his hand in mine. 

He looks at me with pure adoration, when he suddenly became an overprotective fussing bat. 

Azriel: “How are you darling? Does something hurt? Do I have to call Madja? Do you need something?” 

Y/N: “Yeah, I think I need something.” 

Azriel: “What darling?” 

Y/N: “A kiss, would you give it to me, shadowsinger?” 

Azriel: “With pleasure love.” 

He gets up from the chair and sits on the bed where I’m lying. He takes me, and puts me on his lap. He starts to caress my hair, then he puts his hand behind my neck and holds my face high, so my face is at the same height. His lips on mine are so soft, like flower petals in spring. The kiss is passionate, but at the same time gentle; with this we express all the love we have for each other and that is too much to be expressed in words. In the kiss, Azriel puts his other hand on my hip, on which you can see I have some injury, because I find myself moaning in pain. Immediately he pulls away from my lips. He's out of breath, but asks me in the little voice he has anyway if he's okay. I nod, but he still wants me to go back to sleep, to recover my strength, and tells me that tomorrow morning Madja will come back to change my bandages. Then he gets up, but I stop him. 

Y/N: "Please Az, stay here with me. I need to be near you." 

He looks at me, and after a few moments he nods. He gets behind me, his chest in contact with my back. His arm rests on my waist and he draws me to him, while his wings, wrap around us, keeping us safe and warm. 

In the morning, I wake up when I hear the door open, but I don't open my eyes yet. Two male voices that I recognize echo in the room. 

Cassian: "And here I thought I was going to enjoy watching Y/N tear our Azzy apart." 

Rhysand: "Look how cute they are, all hugging each other. I knew they were meant for each other." 

Azriel: "Be quiet, she is asleep. Or better yet, get out and don't break a sweat you two." 

Cassian: "Look at him, already intent on protecting her." 

Azriel: "Know that if I wasn't comfortable and afraid to wake her up, I would have kicked your ass by now. Get out. Now" 

I hear the two laugh and leave the room and it doesn't take long for me to fall back asleep in the arms of my beloved shadowsinger. 

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