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I walked towards my car and George walked to his. We got in and drove out. We had a practise lap and everyone stoped at their places. The lights went out and we raced for top 10 in qualifying.


Qualifying was good for Mercedes, George in 1st, me in 2nd and Max In 3rd. Everyone was confused as to why 'Lewis' aka me wasn't taking off my helmet. And the managers said they wanted to try something for the team to see if it'll work. Everyone brushed it off and no one suspected that I was in 2nd. Everyone thought I was sitting watching the race in the Mercedes garage.

Me and George walked toward the garage and got stopped by Lando on our way to the garage. "Hey, look George can I talk to you in private maybe?" Lando asked. "Yeah sure." George said. "Lewis I'll meet you at the garage." He said and winked at me. I nodded and walked back to the Mercedes garage.

I walked in and some mama hare took me to my drivers room and told me to get dressed in regular clothes. I got dressed and checked my phone. After a while I heard a knock on the door. "Coming." I said and put my phone in my back pocket. I opened the door and George walked in. "Can I talk to you real quick?" He asked. "Sure." I said.

"I was talking to Lando and he said that he's really sorry about what he said the night with me and Emma. He didn't mean any of it he was just really angry. He just can't say it to your face because h-he's too scared that you might just ignore him." George said. "Ignore him? I could never ignore my own brother." I said shaking my head.


George and I walked into the circuit followed by Lewis. We walked past the McLaren garage. Lando looked our way and just shook his head and looked away. We walked into the Mercedes garage and everything went just as yesterday. I got dressed, went through the strategies and talked to George.


(Disclaimer: what happened in this race might not have happened on that day)

"It's lights out and away we go!" Crofty yelled. Engines roared as the race started. I went through corner one followed by Lando and Max. George had a bad start and was near last place. "Crash in corner one!" I heard over the radio. My heart started to race. What if George had gotten into a crash. "Who crashed?" I asked. "I'm not sure but looks like an Aston Martin and an Alpine." I heard.

I took a deep breath relieved that George was ok. I led the race for the first 40 laps. My tires were worn down and I decided it was good to go in now cause then Lando would be first and if I came out the pits I would be able to overtake him or come out first. "I'm coming in this lap." I said. "Ok." I heard.

I got into the pits and got new tires and drove out. Lando was in front of me but my tires were stronger than his and I overtook him. But as good as I know my brother he wouldn't just sit back and let that happen. He tried to over take me in corner 2 but failed. Yet again he tried in corner 3 but failed again. For the next 10 laps I led the race with Lando behind me, and George behind him. There was 4 laps left.

For the next 4 laps I was in front, the last few second of the race Lando was right behind me, with George closely following him. "And here comes Hamilton for the first win of the season, closely followed by Norris and Russell." Crofty yelled. I parked the car at the first place marker and got out. I ran toward a the team and all of them congratulated me. I waited for George and I gave him a hug.

We walked up to the podium as Mercedes had made sure the interviews were after the podium service. "In third, George Russell." They handed George the trophy. "In second, Lando Norris." They handed Lando the trophy. "And in first, Lewis Hamilton." They said as they handed me to trophy. It felt so weird to stand there with my helmet on. I walked to the first place podium and put down my trophy.

I stood there as the British anthem played. After it ended Lando and George picked up their champagne and sprayed it on me. I looked at Mercedes's race director and he nodded. I took of my helmet and balaclava. "I heard Crofty gasp. "And what is this! Charlotte Norris driving for Mercedes." I looked and Lando and he took a step onto the first place podium and gave me a hug.

"I've missed you Char, I hope you can forgive me." He whispered into my ear. "I've missed you too and of course I can." I smiled. George stepped onto the first place podium as Lando stepped down, still spraying me with champagne. George cupped my face. "Georg what are you doing?" I asked confused. "Showing the world that you're mine." He smiled as he pulled me closer and kissed me.

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