Chapter 2

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I woke up the next morning somewhere around 10 o clock since it was my first day of spring break. We already started to pack my room and  I wish I had a phone right now so I could tell my friends that I was moving. We were moving before spring break was over so I couldn't see them anymore before I moved. I started to pack most of my room. I had boxes everywhere. I really didn't want to move but I was used to it. We moved a lot and when I say  lot I mean a lot. Soon it was already 1 so I went downstairs to eat something so I got out a lunchable. When I was done I saw m mom come out of her room and lazily and get a bagel out of the fridge. "Sophia go get dressed because we are going to your grandmas house to visit and get more  boxes. Oh and your new baby cousin and aunt are coming to." yay" I had a new baby cousin named Paiten. She was born 2 weeks ago. I ran upstairs and got some jeans on and a pink shirt that had purple butterflies on it and I walked back down stairs and there was a note on the counter that said "me and your brother are already in the car come out." once I read the note i went out to the car and got in the back seat. I saw my brother playing on his kindle. "I cant wait to see them." We lived close to my grandmas so it only took 5 minutes. Once we got there i ran in to see my baby cousin for the first time. I went inside and saw my aunt holding Paiten and my grandma sitting on the couch next to my aunt." Hi granny hi Aunt Rachel. Can I hold Paiten ."  "Sure but you have to be very careful." I sat down and Aunt Rachel put a pillow under my arm and handed me Paiten after she taught me how to hold a baby. I held Paiten for about 10 minutes. That's when Paiten started crying and Aunt Rachel started to feed Paiten her bottle. "Sophia time to go. Say goodbye and meet us in the car.  It was about 2:10 when we got home. We started packing more things in my room then started to do Tylers room. Some how he always find out how to get out of cleaning. Like if were cleaning the house he would lock himself in his room and play on his kindle. "Mom I'm going downstairs to take a break for a little bit. Is that ok?" I was really hoping she would say yes and she did so I went downstairs grabbed diet pepsi and went to our living room and started to watch TV. Our living room had a bunch of boxes full of stuff. Since we were getting packed faster than we thought we were going to leave earlier. We already packed more than half of our stuff and I was really sad yet really happy that we were moving to my moms hometown in Flordia but I was sad that I had to leave my friends. After I finished my diet pepsi I went back upstairs to help finish packing my room. " Sophia want to eat for dinner." " Texas Roadhouse please." "sure." We got into the car and I kind of wish that we weren't in the car right now since we were in the car almost the whole day. We got there in about 10 minutes and we had to wait an extra 15 minutes to get a table. we finnaly got a table and we ate our food. Soon we went home after we payed for our meal. Once we got home i was really tired so i told my mom that i loved her and i went to bed.

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