Part 2: Through the Wall

Start from the beginning

"Are you...are you muggle born?" y/n asked cautiously.

The girl frowned, offended. "I am." Then Hermione turned to walk away.

"No, wait! Please! I wasn't trying to be rude! It's just...I am too and I was worried I'd be the only one..."

The girl turned back with a smile on her face as y/n's parents came up to meet Hermione's. "You're muggle born? I was worried I was going to be the only one. Do you want to ride with me? I don't really know anyone yet." Hermione's energy was beginning to rub off on y/n. 

"I would love that!" 

"Great! Well, I'm going to board. I'll be in that car, just there." She pointed to a car near the back. "Come and find me when you board!" And with that, Hermione hugged her parents one last time, and boarded the Hogwarts Express.

"Well that wasn't too hard was it?" her dad said, pulling her into a hug. "A new friend already, and you haven't boarded the train yet! I'm going to miss you--"

"We both will." said her mum joining the hug. 

"But you're going to do amazing at Hogwarts. You show those magicals who's in charge, you got that Sweetheart?" Y/N nodded, giggling and tearing up. "We love you, y/n."

"I love you too." And the family stood there hugging for a long moment before y/n backed out into someone. 

Turning around, she saw a red haired boy with the rest of his red headed family, he and his twin turned to glance at her.

"Sorry. I didn't see you."

"That's alright." The twins both said -- though she only remembered bumping one of them -- incredibly distracted by the conversation their large family was having. 

Y/N turned back to her own family. "I'm going to board the train. Love you Mum. Love you Dad." she said hugging both parents in turn.

As she boarded the train, y/n heard a young girl from the red headed family squeal.

"Harry Potter! Oh, Mum, can I go on the train and see him, Mum, oh please..."

"You've already seen him, Ginny..." The mum's reply grew fainter and fainter until she couldn't hear it anymore. Harry Potter was on the train? Y/N had read the story in one of her books, but it had been an older book and she didn't think Harry was going to school with her. 

As y/n walked down the corridor to find Hermione, a group of fifth years walked down the corridor, moving to pass her, so see stepped into the nearest open compartment and nodded as they passed. One of the fifth years had a large rat's cage under their arm and when they passed y/n, they bumped her with the cage, knocking her off balance, causing her to trip over someone's foot, and land on the seat closest to the window across from two huge boys. 

And, sitting next to her, was Draco, looking at her like she had just blinked into existence. Y/N opened her mouth to say something, but then remembered that she didn't think Draco wanted her hanging about him, so she got up, turned away from the to large boys, looked Draco in the eyes, and gave a small smile, all while leaving the compartment. His ears turned pink at the tips, but when the thugs couldn't see, he gave her the slightest smile back. 

Y/N closed the door behind her, and found Hermione sitting with a boy and a girl in the next open compartment. Y/N found it funny. If she had only gone one door further, she wouldn't have bumped into Draco.

"Hi, y/n! This is Neville Longbottom, and Sarah Cricket. They're first years too." Hermione still seemed cheerful and it made y/n smile. 

"Hello! I'm Y/N Y/L/N. It's a pleasure to meet you."

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