my mum.

4 1 0

my mum calls my name again and again
i hate it
the name disgusts me now.

i do everything i can to help her
but the first thing she does when she wakes up is shout at me.
she always shouts at me.

my mum gets angry at me for going on a holiday and having fun.

she tells me to clean up day after day bc i had fun.

why should there be an expense to have fun.

if i have fun then i have to work for that fun
if i don't have fun i still have to work.

what's the point??

she's so unpredictable.
she would be shouting one time and calling me sweet names the next.

people say my mum is so nice
yeah she is

she calls me the mother of the house.
i take care of my brothers
and she goes out to her friends house and comes back at 4

she leaves around 8 but before she leaves she says "make the house look nice"
but the next day she wakes up she says "aren't you a girl? you do nothing and laze around at home."

my sister is gone to uphold the older daughter title
she left ages ago
so it's dumped on me.

i stop revising to clean up the messes.
sometimes it's glass
sometimes it's my mum's arguments with my dad

i don't know
i shouldn't complain
she gives me a lot
she really does.
i just wish she stopped shouting at me all the time.

numb. Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora