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[I used to hate my job, what I mean is I wasn't proud of being working as a guide in the History Museum of the city. At least that was what I thought till my path bumped into a guy with eyeliner..]

"Wake up" I heard my boss yelled at me from across the counter.

"What, what?" I quickly replied, lifting my head from the desk on which unwittingly I had fallen asleep.

"The first group is ready. If you don't want to see me angry, you better go see them right now" she snapped his fingers for me to hurry.

I don't like when people do that, but I had no choice, unless to obey. So I grabbed the booklets and ran to the point where tourists were gathered.

"Sorry for the wait, guys" I spoke aloud to the group.

"We'll start in a minute, but first I'll give you this booklet with information of what you will see next" I added and I started to move around them to approach me to each one.

"Thank you, miss" a husky voice said.

I was curious to know who owned it, so I turned myself to face a man of undeniable appeal.

He apparently wasn't worried about the clothes he was wearing, they seemed rather randomly chosen. Besides, he had a cap with black and yellow stripes. With him, there was a thin man with dark glasses, cat features and a very modern hair cut.

"You're welcome," I replied with a smile, a gesture I regretted time after, "Okay, if everybody is ready, would you be so kind to follow me?."

That's how it began another tour routine, however I was having trouble with those two guys who didn't keep silent.

"Heey you.. on the back!" I yelled at them, but they ignored me, "Yeah, you! the one with the cap! What's your name?"

"Who? Me? Why do you want to know my name?" He sounded surprised.

"To call you by it and put it clear that it's you who I'm trying to shut up" I replied, looking him aggressively.

"My name is Adam .. Adam Lambert" He finally blurted out.

It seemed to have said something important because others in the group turned to see him. Some girls screamed excited It's him, it's him! and every second it passed, there were more people around him with cameras and notebooks.

"Fantastic, it couldn't be worst, the man should be a hollywood star" I thought.

"Sorry ladies and gentlemen, but if you want Mr. Lambert to sign your papers, you'll have to wait at the exit, cause we're on the middle of a tour" I said quickly but nobody heard me.

By failing to bring order, I went straight to the information module, from there I could still hear the pandemonium so I put on my headphones, volume real loud and I closed my eyes.

Didn't know how much time had passed, when my ears caught the soft murmur of a voice talking near to me.

"How can I help you?" I opened my eyes and I saw Adam's partner standing in front of me, so I continued, "Ohh it's you! Do you need more confetti to go on with the celebration?"

"That ended up while ago. Everything went back to normal. We're about to leave but my friend feels bad about what just happened. Would you agree to meet with him, now, at the fountain?" He inquired.

"The least he can do is explain me this mess. Okay, I'll go in a moment" I accepted, confused for I let him talk me into that.

"Ok. I'm gonna tell him" he finished, then he turned around and walked out the door quietly.

Outside, the place was enormous, he had changed his outfit but anyways, it was easy for me to recognize him, sitting on the farthest benches. I walked towards him, determinated to let him know my anger.

"Hello" I started carefully.

"Hi! You decided to come! Why don't you sit?" he suggested and I obeyed, "I think I owe you a huge apology. On first place, because I wasn't totally focused on the tour. I know I complicated the things and I'm sorry"

"I have been into worst situations," like an act of magic, my anger had faded away, "I forgive you, I guess History isn't your thing, is it?" His voice was soothing

"I came because of Tommy, he likes these places. In fact, I find hard to concentrate me into something if I'm not participating."

"Umm I see. You are one of those who learn by the experimental way, don't you? And what about that little scene you created?"

"Now, you know how difficult is trying to go unnoticed"

"So .. Does the makeup is also part of the camouflage?"

"You mean a man shouldn't use it?" he pretended to be offended, "Just kidding. I love to use it, I just can't help it, I was pretending to look normal, but you yelled at me so furious that I had to say my name"

"How was I supposed to know you were famous? And no, I wasn't angry" I complained.

"Ohh yes, you were!" he laughed.

"But not because of you. The truth is that, well .. I'm not happy with my work" I confessed him. It was very strange to tell him about this.

"I think it's an amazing one. You have the privilege to disseminate and share your culture with others about discoveries of your ancestors" he talked with pure sincerity words.

"I hadn't thought it that way," I rethought "You're right, except that I didn't want to end here with a degree in archeology."

"You know, throughout my life, I have been in similar situations. For example once.."

He began to tell me about how he dropped out of college to follow his hearth. He also told me how he had come from down, fighting many obstacles to be where he was now.

"And most importantly," he added "pursue your destiny. You must search and take advantage of every single opportunity. Make it happen, it's on your hands to make your dream true."

"Wao. Now I can tell, you have changed my point of view, in a good way. Thanks for sharing that with me. I don't know how to thank you." I expressed my happiness.

"No problem, dear. My pleasure, however, I have and idea of how we can go equal" he was spoking as his face lit up

"And which is it? Tell me and I'd gladly accept it."

"You didn't finish that tour. If you want, you can explain me the remaining part."

"Are you sure? I never want to upset you again" I said pretending not to be excited for the suggestion.

"Totally. I really enjoy hearing you speak and I promise that this time you will have all my attention," he stood up and he offered me his arm "What do you say?"

"Well, I've never done a private tour for nobody but definitely you're the right one who try with" I took his arm and together we walked back inside, "C'mon, maybe we'll find a way to make you participate"

[Since that day my life changed, every morning I got to my job with a smile. Also, I started to make some calls and in about a month, I'm going to be part of an excavation in The Cairo. All I needed was someone to remind me that everyone can go as high as each of us decide to go .. ]

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