She is going down!

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Noah's pov 

I couldn't sleep tonight because I kept remembering what happened to my sister and now was happening to me/cody, but actually when I was talking with Eva I didn't really tell her what really made me sister's boyfriend wasn't the only person the stalker tried to sister's stalker tried to kill me too and I was only ten years old 

I got up without waking up the others and went to a walk around the plain to explore,while walking I noticed a strange door,it was hard to see the door but probably it had that "camouflage" design on purpose so I decided to enter 

once I got in the room I noticed I was in the camera room! It was my chance to take advantage so I looked around the room and found some paper and a pencil,I started to make a map of the plane writing down the places that had or not cameras,once I finished I decided to check how cody was

 I opened the camera of the team amazon room and I saw Cody sleeping calmly being hugged by Gwen in one side and Courtney in the other I a smile appeared on my face but shortly after it faded when I noticed Sierra watched him sleep while smelling on of his t shits....this wasn't good

The best I could do was calm down and continue looking for stuff that could help me,was when I remembered I could watch the confessionals

I watched all the confessionals but the only ones that got my attention were Heather's and Alejandro's,it looks like Alejandro is a "bad boy" and Heather wanted to use sierra,that was great for me and I could even make a deal with heather 

Now I had to go back to the room,so I hid my map inside my book and got out the "secret" room,I walked slowly thinking on what I should do with this information when I accidentally bumped into someone 

when I saw who it was I noticed today was my lucky day, I had just bumped into Heather! 

Noah: Hello heather what you doing up so early?

Heather: I don't know and you why did YOU wake up so early?

Noah: bold of you to assume that I slept,but anyways I wanted to talk to you

Heather: talk to me?

Noah: yes I wanted to make a deal 

Heather: I'm listening, continue 

Noah: well I know that you want to use sierra and some other stuff about other contests that you may like and you know I date someone here, its quite simple I want you to help me to get rid of sierra 

Heather: wow noah ..looks like you learned a lot since the last season,you're looking like a true villain

Noah: I have my reasons, but I don't have to tell you the story,so you're in or not?

Heather: it depends I want to know what type of dirt and information you have about the other players 

Noah: ok follow me 

I went to a point of the plane I remember there was no cameras 

Noah: so I have dirt on Alejandro and I know the parts of the plane that have on not cameras 

Heather: ok I'm in but you will have to ask you friends and boyfriend not to vote me off

Noah: fine and I'm happy we got a deal but now I have to go before someone notices I was gone 

Heather: yeah I have to go too

I walked to the rooms with heather and then entered my teams room, to my luck only Eva was awake,she came in my direction and asking were I was

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