OS: Revenge, sweet or bitter either way leaves bad taste in the mouth

Start from the beginning

Khushi has no choice but to get ready for the party. While she was changing clothes Payal was speaking to her reminding her working relationship with the Raizada.

Few months ago Khushi had applied for a sectary position in AR Design. With gracious God’s blessings, especially her Devi Maiya, she got the position without the shadow of the doubt. Khushi had responded with accuracy and witty skills all the questions thrown to her by ASR and his personal assistant Aman Mathur.

She has been working for him past 6 months. For her dedication and extensive hardworking qualities, inspite his personal dislikes towards poor girl, he had invited her to this party which he was throwing in the honor of his Di’s and his Jijaji. Though he wouldn’t admit to her face, he was very pleased with her work and got fond of her antics behavior, at times it irks him the most. She has done her work with accuracy and pours her heart out in any tasks he had assigned to her.

With his obnoxious behavior, his arrogance and perfectionist in nit picking everything and pointing out her flaws, Khushi disliked him very much, not a hatred dislike, but it would irk her in the same manner she does on to him.

She calls him “Mr. Grinch…her pet name…her code word…her secret weapon during her gossip times with other co-workers without trying to imply his name.”

But both had always felt there is more to their story then meet the eyes…eyes were saying something, mouth saying different story…even their touch was sing a different songs when they are alone with themselves behind close door or among people. But they always had the soul feelings about each other.

Whenever they get an opportunity they find excuses to be with each other but not in so many words or declaration out loud. Sending text messages, emails, twittering along with gootering like two pigeons hiding behind some invisible walls or rooms they have created to co-exist in the dream world.

Basically she was invited to the Wedding Anniversary Party of Shyam and Anjali Jha who were celebrating their 3rd one on this auspicious day. In their honor none other than business tycoon Arnav Singh Raizada had arranged the party at his home, the Raizada Mansion.

Every staff members were invited to bring one guest along with them. When Khushi told Payal about the party and invitation, Payal thought as a prospect, to put the foot in the door, the ground work for her business. Coming in contact with rich folks she would be able to create more contacts and increase her profit margin. There was no way she was going to lose this occasion slip through her fingers like sands slips through palm.

Party runs in Khushi’s blood stream creating a symphony to a music tune. She would be delighted and excited to attend any type of party but with today's incident with Mr. Grinch left distaste in her mouth. She has no desire to attend his stupid party. She was sulking in her own misery.


Both sisters entered the Raizada Mansion and were awestruck with the decorations, lantern light fixtures inside and out the Mansion, railing of fairy lights streaming down the corner of the walls, wrapping around the long elongated pillars giving a luxurious and luminous look. Basically both were dumbfounded and spell-bounded too. The party has already started and going in full blast before their arrival.

Both quickly got acquainted with the guests, some were known to them and some unknown. With the free spirit and loquacious nature it didn’t took for both sisters to mingle among others. Payal had an agenda she needed to execute and she went right with it. Khushi had whole different agenda too which was staying away as best as possible from Mr. Grinch.

Though she tried her level best to stay away from Mr. Grinch, but all plans fail in the process. He knew of her arrival as soon as she entered Raizada Mansion. He had a personal contact with the breeze, his PA to alert him of her arrival; an instant messaging system, no need of service provider. This service was free of cost to Mr. Grinch.

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